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Man Climbing Through Extremely Narrow Gap In Cave Is Triggering People's Claustrophobia

Man Climbing Through Extremely Narrow Gap In Cave Is Triggering People's Claustrophobia

The footage shows a male caver navigating his way through a thin – and very dark – space

A clip of a man climbing through an incredibly narrow gap in a cave is triggering people’s ‘claustrophobia’, with many Reddit users saying they can’t even watch the whole video. Watch the footage here: 

The footage shows a male caver navigating his way through a thin – and very dark – space, guided by a torch that he holds to the side as he shuffles through. 

He explains to the camera: “If I get stuck, I have this rock with me, such that I can pop off some of these knuckles, which made it very hard to get into. And I have to go slow.” 

The clip was posted on Reddit with the caption: “Caving expert and cave survivalist professional. Claustrophobia isn’t a fear, it’s a way of life.” 

And it seems to have struck a nerve with many viewers, with one commenting: “I have a mild panic attack just watching that.” 

Someone else said: “I don’t think I was particularly claustrophobic, but now I am. I hate what I saw. I would freak the f*** out.” 

YouTube/Caveman Hikes

A third wrote: “Holy s***. So much anxiety. I can’t even watch this guy, much less do that.” 

Another added: “Thanks Reddit, I USED to have mild claustrophobia, now I'm going to have to sleep outside...” 

One person said they ‘couldn’t watch more than five seconds’.

Another said their body tensed up just looking for a ‘mere second’. 

Thankfully, however, the caver made it out alive – as shown in the full video on YouTube channel Caveman Hikes (aka uncle and nephew duo Jacob and Calvin, the latter being the bloke in the footage), where it refers to the feat as ‘the worst claustrophobic caving you will ever see’. 

YouTube/Caveman Hikes

In the full clip, which has had 44,000 views, we see Calvin finally make it out – standing up to reveal an incredibly ripped yellow t-shirt. 

“It looks like Swiss cheese!” someone jokes off-camera. 

YouTube/Caveman Hikes

Calvin admits he feels ‘tired’ after making it through the narrow cave system, but miraculously has a smile on his face as he emerges into daylight. 

Accepting that his t-shirt has fallen victim to the cave's 'knuckles', at the end of the video he simply rips it off.

You can watch the full video, along with many other nail-biting caving clips, on Calvin's YouTube channel.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Caveman Hikes

Topics: World News, Reddit, Viral