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Man loses weight while eating pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner during 30 day challenge

Man loses weight while eating pizza for breakfast, lunch and dinner during 30 day challenge

He lost a staggering three and a half kilograms despite eating the same 'unhealthy' thing over and over again.

If pizza is life, then hoo boy, do we have some good news for you.

Chowing down on a slice or six might not be the worst thing for you, as personal trainer Ryan Mercer has proven.

Mercer ate 10 slices of pizza every day for a month and somehow wound up to be even more shredded than when he began.

Embarking on a 30 day challenge, the lad from Northern Ireland decided to give up everything but pizza.

Admittedly, he decided to ditch the fast food takeaways and make them himself in order to make a point about calorie deficits and health.

Pizza is love, pizza if life.

"January is a tough month for people when it comes to fitness goals," he said.

"I aimed to highlight not only fat loss about calories in and calories out but that it's also not about restriction.

He added: "We don't have to restrict our favourite foods to get results and I also wanted to encourage more people to prepare their own food."

The Bangor man described his typical diet as rather flexible with seven to 10 portions of fruit and veg with lots of protein.

Except for January of course, during which he ate pizza every meal for every goddamn day.

"I had two pitta pizzas and one larger dough-based pizza per day, this equated to roughly 10 slices per day," he explained.

"The hardest part of the entire diet was the preparation.

The end result. Let me at that pizza.

"Pizza is one of my all-time favourite foods, so I enjoyed eating it all month, although I did ensure I had a large variety of different pizzas to give myself some variance."

Plus, his bank account also had a bit of a tasty treat, with the pizzas only costing him just shy of £10 (AUD$17.30) per day.

"Additionally, I spent around £3 (AUD$5.19) per day on snacks."

And the bloody rat fink managed to lose weight while living his best pizza life, to the surprise of many.

"This was a carefully planned dietary strategy. I designed a system, and this is what got me to my goal.

"Daily calorie intake was set at 1,800 to 2,100 Monday to Friday, 2,700k calories Saturday and Sunday, daily protein target 140g per day, daily fruit and vegetable portion goal, seven portions minimum per day."

But don't take this as a green light to hit up your closest takeaway all the time.

Mercer did add that 'everyone is different' and the diet should only be used if it suits a person's individual needs.

Featured Image Credit: SWNS

Topics: Food And Drink, Health, News, UK News, Good News