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Mark Wright Fears For His Health Much More Now After His Recent Cancer Scare

Mark Wright Fears For His Health Much More Now After His Recent Cancer Scare

Former The Only Way Is Essex star Mark Wright discovered a lump in his armpit last year

Mark Wright is still concerned for his health after his recent cancer scare last year.

The former The Only Way Is Essex star discovered a lump in his armpit last year, which was later discovered to be a tumour.

As his lump grew larger in size, medics opted to have the 12cm tumour removed via an operation.

Although the 35-year-old underwent successful surgery seven months ago, his personal health concerns still remain.

Mark told The Mirror: "I wouldn't say I'm a hypochondriac but I definitely always get checks.

"If I ever feel anything's not completely right, I'll go and get it checked out."

He added: "But it has scared me because it makes you feel you're not immortal.

"You always think: 'Ah yes, it's not going to happen to me'. And then when something like that happens, it does give you a bit of a fear."

The former TV star explained: "Where the operation was, there were a lot of nerves and nerve endings there, so they had to be really careful and that's why it had to be so particularly done.

"I chose my surgeon wisely because you can really mess the nerves up and, to be fair, even now down on my forearm, my skin stings a little bit.

"And I have weird sensations and pins and needles sometimes."

Mark added: "It's fine now but in the first month to two months, it was really painful so I actually had to just come away from the gym and just watch my diet more."

Speaking on the healing process, he said: "It was tough.

"It was quite a big operation and it was under your armpit and when you're walking your arm moves the whole time, so it wasn't a nice feeling."

He concluded: "I just got through it and know that better days are ahead."

Days after his lump was removed, Mark wrote to his followers: "If you notice anything that doesn’t look or feel quite right, don’t leave it.

"Nothing in life is more important than your health and well-being. Get checked, check yourself and make sure you take good care of yourself."

The NHS says that most lumps are harmless but it's important to see a GP if you're worried or the lump is still there after two weeks.

Featured Image Credit: @wrighty_/Instagram

Topics: Celebrity, Health