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Men Who Carried 'Corpse' To Post Office Claim 'He Was Alive When We Left The House'

Men Who Carried 'Corpse' To Post Office Claim 'He Was Alive When We Left The House'

A post-mortem was carried out yesterday on the remains of the 66-year-old man

Two men accused of bringing a dead man to the post office to claim his pension have now claimed 'he was alive when we left the house'.

Reports suggest two men entered a post office with a man in his 60s in Co Carlow, South-East Ireland, to collect pension money. The third man appeared to be propped up by the other two, and a woman grew suspicious and phoned the police.

Gareth Coakley was one of the men involved and has now told the Sunday World the deceased man was given 'a glass of water to drink before we left'.

A Gardai spokesperson told LADbible: "A post-mortem of the deceased has been concluded.

"The results of the post mortem are not being released for operational reasons. 

"Foul play is not suspected."


The dead man was taken to Hosey's shop in Carlow at 11am on Friday, by his nephew Declan Haughney and Gareth.

Speaking with the Sunday World, Gareth said: "I was in the house drinking, right.

"I was minding me own business and I passed out at about 12 o'clock.

"He [Declan] had asked the woman in the post office if he could collect the payment and she said: 'No, you may bring him down.'

"He told her he was sick, but they wouldn't listen. So then Deccy asked if I would give him a hand to bring him down because they wouldn't pay him.

"I was to go upstairs and put the man's runners on and he [Declan] goes: 'Will you go downstairs and get me a glass of water?'

"And we gave him the drink of water and that. And then we sort of had to lift him up and bring him the whole way down to the post office but sure he never even got the chance to get his money.

"He probably died in the post office - at the ice-cream freezer, I'd say that's where he dropped off."

Gareth continued: "The papers are saying he was already dead but that's bulls***.

"He was alive - 100 percent.

"We're hardly going to drag a dead man down the road, for f*** sake. He was still alive, and the autopsy will prove there was water in his system and what time he died."

The post office in Carlow.

When asked about exactly happened in the post office, Gareth said: "He got heavier and heavier and then he started falling to the floor and I couldn't hold him anymore.

"People tried to save him.

"I called for an ambulance and they asked if there was defibrillator there.

"I said 'no' but there was one across the road in the community centre.

"And a woman ran across to the community centre and got the defibrillator, but it was way too late - he was gone by then."

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

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