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A woman has attracted serious criticism after intruding into the back of a news report on the recent attacks in Nottingham and waving her arms around.

Three people – two students at the University of Nottingham and a school caretaker – were killed after a suspect started stabbing people in the city.

Barnaby Webber and Grace O’Malley-Kumar were both 19 at the time of their deaths, whereas Ian Coates was 65.

Coates was found dead after the attacker stole his van before using it to injure three other people.

In the aftermath, thousands of people gathered at a vigil to remember the three innocent victims, and the world’s media descended upon Nottingham to update their viewers on the tragic story.

The woman appeared in the back of a Sky News report in Nottingham.
Sky News

During one Sky News report, in which reporter Sarah-Jane Mee was giving one such update, standing – as she put it – in ‘one of the sites in the city centre that the police are operating in’, a woman entered the back of shot and started acting silly.

As other pedestrians walked by, the woman stopped in front of the cameras and behind Mee to take her moment in the TV spotlight.

It’s fair to say that she hasn’t achieved the viral fame she might have hoped.

OK, she’s been noticed by a lot of people, but it hasn’t been positive.

In fact, she’s been described as ‘vile’ and having acted in an ‘absolutely disgraceful’ manner.

One comment said: "What an embarrassment she is."

"Looks like she hasn't ever been on TV before. Absolutely disgusting,” said another.

On Wednesday 14 June, a 31-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of murder in connection with the attacks.

Grace O'Malley-Kumar.

At the vigil, which drew people from far and wide to share in the grief, university chaplain Reverend Grant Walton made this emotional statement: “This is one of those moments that we hope to never encounter, but which forces its way into our lives and leaves a trail of destruction that we could never imagine.

“Thank you for being here; students and staff of the university, community members, most especially the family and friends of our precious Grace and Barney who have travelled many hours to be with us.

“The main point of being here is for us to talk with one another – not to be talked at.

“To begin to process our grief, our feelings of trauma as individuals and as a community.”

Barnaby’s dad David Webber then said: “I can’t comprehend how I’m going to deal with it – myself and Emma and Charlie and his family and friends.

“I know Barney would be super touched by everyone that’s here. He loved it here.

“He couldn’t wait to come back, it drove me mad, but his heart will be with you guys forever.

“Thank you so much. I really can’t talk much more.”

Barnaby Webber.
Family Handout

Grace’s father added: “Grace loved all of you and you should all feel very blessed. You all touched her life and hence ours. You will never be forgotten by us.

“We had children who were taken away prematurely. That should never happen to any parent.

“All I can say is thank you and look after each other.”

Featured Image Credit: Sky News

Topics: UK News, Crime