A man claiming to be a time-traveller from 2671 has revealed the exact date a huge meteor will crash into the Earth - and what it will bring with it.
What's the first thing you'd do if you were able to come back from the future? Maybe find a book about all the winning sports teams and bet your way to success, like in Back To The Future? Or maybe try and make sure you and your crush have a good meet-cute, like in About Time?
If it were me, I definitely wouldn't set about making a TikTok account, but that's obviously where Eno Alaric, aka Radiant Time Traveler, and I differ.
The TikTok user claims to be from the year 2671, when mankind is allegedly 'on the brink of destruction'. He's racked up thousands of followers by sharing videos with insights about what's to come, with one of his most recent clips involving five dates we need to prepare ourselves for, the first of which is only a few weeks away.

It starts on 22 November, when the time-traveller claims a star somewhere in the universe 'explodes', and that when the light reaches Earth the sky 'be lit up for years to come'.
It's not ideal, but I suppose it's one way to tackle the dark afternoons that are well on their way with winter.
The next date brings with it something slightly more concerning, and unfortunately comes just a couple of weeks before Christmas.
According to Alaric, on 8 December a 'large meteor' will hit Earth, bringing with it 'alien species and unknown materials'. Things don't get much better after that, as just 12 days later a '9.8 magnitude earthquake opens a hole in the Mariana Trench, releasing the largest species'.
Maybe we can bribe them into being our friends with mince pies?

As well as these new and large species we apparently have in our future, the TikToker claims that some of the existing creatures we have on Earth will also start to take new forms in the new year.
On 29 January, 2023, we'll start to discover 'massive versions of many species', including a three-foot spider and an 18-foot bear. The next date to keep in mind is a bit more of an outlier, as it's one humanity apparently brings on itself. On 1 March, 2023, the first human will allegedly breed with a chimpanzee, bringing a baby with 'mixed features'.
While the majority of these dates seem to spell disaster for humans, we can at least rest assured that humanity has a good 649 years left, if the time-traveller is to be believed.
Now that we've been given a heads up, we can start to prepare ourselves to face the giant species heading our way. Good luck out there.
Topics: Conspiracy Theory, TikTok, Viral