A dad used eBay to buy a six-bedroom home in Bulgaria after struggling to get on the property ladder in the UK.
Rob Davies turned to the online auction site in frustration after being outraged by the price of properties on his home turf.
Take a look here:
Let's face it, most people would have to consider selling a kidney to put down a deposit on a home these days.
However, the 35-year-old, from the west coast of Scotland, snapped up a sprawling home in Golyamo Krushevo, Bulgaria, for just £3,000.
His purchase was covered on Channel 4's Help! We bought a Village.
And although it seemingly needs more than a lick of paint, he is over the moon with the bargain.
Rob's new six-bed home, located around 20 miles north of the Turkish border, even comes with half an acre of land too.

But it doesn't have a fitted bathroom, kitchen, windows, electricity or running water - so he will have to splash out on modernising the place.
Rob says the property was built more than 100 years ago, but has been abandoned since the 1980s.
Despite being in dire need of a makeover, he said that he was 'sold' on the home after flicking through a few photos of it online.
"I’m always looking for properties on the market, to see if there are any bargains out there." Rob said.
"I was just doing a random search on eBay, just typing in properties to see what there is. And that’s how it came about."
I wish I had the same success in bidding wars.
"I sent them a message saying I was interested, I want it, I think we paid a £200 deposit, got the keys and the rest is history," he continued.

"It was basically four walls with a roof, but, it was ours.
"It felt amazing to actually go, we want a property, we can’t do that in the UK."
The delivery driver admitted that the purchase was a 'gamble', but will allow him to leave a lasting legacy for his children.
And Rob is so smitten with the Bulgarian village that he splashed out on another two properties - which cost him only £1,500 and £3,000.
That's it, I'm packing a bag and getting on eBay as soon as I can.
You can follow his renovation journey by tuning into Channel 4's Help! We Bought a Village.