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Woman claims to have caught ‘evidence’ of Loch Ness monster in webcam footage

Woman claims to have caught ‘evidence’ of Loch Ness monster in webcam footage

A mysterious shape was picked up on the camera

There are many things that intrigue us and make us want to know the truth.

Bigfoot and UFOs are prime examples of this, with dozens of people across the US claiming they've caught glimpses.

But what about here in the UK?

Well, we have the Loch Ness Monster of course!

Many have sought out sights of the famed beast but they have been few and far between.

Last year however, some footage emerged which has been touted as proof by many.

In footage captured on webcams installed next to Loch Ness, Eoin Fagan, a long, black object could be spotted moving in the lake.

Could the shape, the only darkened spot within the loch at the time of the sightings, really be Nessie?

The Loch Ness Monster was apparently on the move this day.
Eoin Fagan/Visit Inverness Loch Ness

Speaking to the Daily Record, Fagan said: "I captured two very interesting video clips on two of the new webcams recently.

"The first at the Clansman webcam Loch Ness at 20.13pm on September 6, is of a water disturbance, and a long dark shape which was recorded for 4 minutes, and was the only darkened water visible in the recording of the loch in that time."

The other clip was captured on 6 September last year on the Shoreland Lodges webcam and shows a shape 'in the region of 6 to 8 feet long, like an eel, or rather a very large or giant one'.

If it was an eel, it would back up what some scientists had long speculated - that Nessie was merely a giant eel.

Professor Neil Gemmell, a geneticist from New Zealand's University of Otago, told the BBC back in 2019: "There is a very significant amount of eel DNA. Eels are very plentiful in Loch Ness, with eel DNA found at pretty much every location sampled - there are a lot of them. So - are they giant eels?"

Whatever it is that's lurking in Loch Ness, you'd think Fagan would be rushing to submit his video evidence to the appropriate authorities, reserving his spot in the history books as the man who proved Nessie's existence.

It's not that simple though, and the official protocol must be followed.

Unluckily for Fagan and all of those who wish to submit findings from the webcams, they cannot be the ones to report the discovery.

The footage was picked up on a webcam.
Eoin Fagan/Visit Inverness Loch Ness

Visit Inverness Loch Ness, the owners of the cameras, must be the ones to submit the footage to The Official Loch Ness Monster Sightings Register. Once clarified, the captured footage will be officially recorded amongst other evidence of the beast’s existence.

The most infamous sighting of the water dwelling behemoth goes all the way back to 1933.

It's been ninety years - when are we finally going to see Nessie in her full glory?

Featured Image Credit: Eoin Fagan/Visit Inverness Loch Ness

Topics: Loch Ness Monster, UK News

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