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Police Hunt For Missing British Teacher Who Disappeared In Japan

Police Hunt For Missing British Teacher Who Disappeared In Japan

Alice Hodgkinson has been missing since 1 July and her family have launched an appeal to find her



Police are 'urgently' looking for a British teacher who disappeared in Japan after not turning up for work.

Alice Hodgkinson has been missing from her Japanese flat, in Kanagawa, Tokyo, since 1 July, and an appeal to find her has been launched on social media.

Alice had been living in the country for the past year and works for a group of English schools. She was expected to turn up for work as usual, but never showed up.

While searching her home, police found a note, but have not disclosed what it says or if it has any connection with her disappearance.

Her dad, Stephen, said he was in touch with his daughter the day before she was reported missing.


He told the Telegraph there was 'nothing out of the ordinary at all' in his daughter's behaviour.

He said: "We would hear from her pretty regularly and catch up on Skype, but the first I heard that something was wrong was when the manager of her school called to say that she had missed work for a few days and that they were concerned about her wellbeing.

"It came as a bolt out of the blue."

Her brother, Peter Hodgkinson, has also issued an appeal on Facebook to help find his sister.

He said: "I know that the police went round to her home again today so the investigation is continuing.

"We have Nottinghamshire Police setting up a link with the police in Japan over Interpol to deliver news and information to us, but this does take a few days to get setup.

"The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office also have an incident logged."

Peter thanked people on social media for the 'absolutely amazing response' he's received.

"I want people to be found that are missing, I want everyone to feel safe and confident living their life to the full," he said.

"Whilst focusing on Alice I didn't expect the impact that this would have on so many people's lives."

A spokesperson from the Foreign Office released the following statement to reassure that the search is ongoing.


The statement read: "We are in contact with local authorities in Japan regarding a missing British woman. Consular staff are in touch with her family in the UK."

"The Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office also have an incident logged."

Alice is said to be 5ft 6in and her picture on social media shows her with shoulder-length blonde hair.

People with any relevant information are asked to please contact the Kanagawa Police HQ on 045 - 211 - 1212.

Words: Anish Vij

Featured Image Credit: Twitter

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