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Ukrainian ‘Tank Man’ Trying To Block Russian Convoy Goes Viral

Ukrainian ‘Tank Man’ Trying To Block Russian Convoy Goes Viral

The clip shows a man standing in front of what appears to be military vehicles

Viral footage appears to show a suspected Ukrainian man attempting to block a Russian military convoy 'so that occupiers do not pass'.

The clip shared by Ukrainian news outlet HB shows a man standing in front of the military vehicles that attempt to swerve past him.

The man then appears to jockey to the side to avoid getting hit.

“Ukrainian rushes under enemy equipment so that the occupiers do not pass,” HB tweeted.

Comparisons have been made to the infamous photo of a man standing down a line of four Chinese tanks in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square.

His solitary moment of dissent in June 1989 remains as being one of the most memorable images of the last century.

The person involved has since been dubbed as the 'Tank Man'.

A Beijing citizen stands in front of tanks on the Avenue of Eternal Peace in this June 5, 1989.

“Amazingly brave Ukrainian tries to stop a Russian military convoy by blocking the vehicles with his body just like the ‘Tank Man’ in Tiananmen Square,” Henry Langston, a freelance journalist, tweeted.

Vladimir Putin's invasion of the country began on Thursday (24 February) and Ukraine has called upon anyone who is able to take up arms in resistance, and has banned men between the ages of 18 to 60 years old from leaving the country.

A young couple who were due to get married later this year pushed the date forward and have now joined the Ukrainian defence forces.

Yaryna, 21, and Sviatoslav, 24, were set to tie the knot in May but following the news of Russia's invasion of their country, they changed their plans.

On 24 February, they held their wedding ceremony at St Michael's Golden Domed Monastery in the Ukrainian capital city of Kyiv.

Then on 25 February, just 24 hours on from exchanging wedding vows, they joined the country's resistance force against the Russian invasion.

The couple's incredible story was shared by CNN journalist Christian Streib.

In a photo posted on his Instagram account, Yaryna and Sviatoslav can be seen getting married along with the caption: "Yaryna, 21 and Sviatoslav, 24 decided to move their May wedding forward and tie the knot today after Russia invaded their homeland last night." 

In a follow up post, the reporter shared another photo, this time of the newlyweds holding AK-47s.

He wrote: "Yesterday, I posted a picture of a young Ukrainian couple who married the day Russia invaded their country.

"Today, Yaryna, 21, posted this picture on her Facebook page, proudly displaying the AK-47 assault rifles, received from the government, so she and her husband Sviatoslav, 24, can join the resistance and defend their country."

If you would like to donate to the Red Cross Emergency Appeal, which will help provide food, medicines and basic medical supplies, shelter and water to those in Ukraine, click here for more information.

Featured Image Credit: HB

Topics: Russia, Vladimir Putin, World News, Ukraine