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Bizarre videos trying to show why wiping with toilet paper isn’t enough spark debate

Bizarre videos trying to show why wiping with toilet paper isn’t enough spark debate

"I have questions that I don't want answered"

You can find pretty much anything on the internet these days, and that includes TikTok videos on why wiping your butt with toilet paper isn't enough. What a time to be alive.

Before we get into it, let us preface this by saying we're about to discuss toilet hygiene and so if you're easily grossed out, you might want to look away now.

Now that's out of the way, a few of these bizarre videos have popped up of late, and they're pretty much promos for bidets.

They start off by showing hand with inexplicable liquid trapped between a thumb and forefinger - representing the butt crack, of course.

People then wipe the hand crack with paper, only for liquid to still be left behind. They go on to say something like 'this is why you should own a bidet'.

But the key thing they've failed to demonstrate is that people don't wipe like that and the hand is hardly a fair representation for the behind.

As such, it's no surprise the whole thing has sparked a debate online.

Under one clip, shared by a bidet factory on its TikTok page (@bidettoilet), one person pointed out, "That’s your hand mate," while another said, "Gotta spread'em, come on!"

"I have questions that I don't want answered," wrote a third, with a fourth adding, "That's why I don't just use one piece of toilet paper."

Another video shared by another bidet manufacturer, Kaizen Solutions, received just as many comments from perplexed viewers.

The unusual trend has sparked a debate online.

"People got a bidet cause people can’t wipe right," wrote one, with another revealing, "I wipe so hard there is nothing left."

We should point out that not everyone's against the idea of a bidet - some people swear by them, including this person who said: "Classic bidet is the best."

It's more these demonstrations that are freaking people out.

Others were on hand to offer up suggestions of how to overcome the tissue issue, with one writing: "Wet tissues… welcome to the modern world."

While that's certainly a good suggestion, just make sure you don't end up like this guy.

Leon Gleed, a lorry driver, from Cwmbran, South Wales, was left with a stinging ring after he spent several days cleaning his rear with antibacterial toilet cleaner wipes, which he'd mistaken for wet wipes.

His girlfriend, Sadie Williams, picked up the 'Active Flushable Toilet Wipes' a couple of weeks prior from a Tesco Express store in the town of Risca, before placing them in their bathroom beside the bog.

It was only after developing a nasty rash that Leon inspected the wipes and realised the error of his ways.

But if he was hoping for sympathy from Sadie, it wasn't forthcoming; in fact, she burst out laughing and called him 'stupid'.

You don't want to be using these anywhere on your body.

"I thought the product was wet wipes you use to go to the toilet with - but as it turned out, that wasn't the case," the 29-year-old recalled.

"When I developed the soreness I knew something wasn't quite right and when I checked the packaging it said 'kills 99 percent of bacteria'.

"Sadie said to me 'How can you be so stupid?', but I think cleaning products should have warning labels on them so they're more identifiable."

Thankfully, his rear end is now in much better shape, but it was bleak for a while there, particularly given his occupation. Lesson learned.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@bidettoilet/@kaizensolutions

Topics: TikTok, Weird