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President Zelenskyy's Fleece Sells For Fortune At Charity Auction

President Zelenskyy's Fleece Sells For Fortune At Charity Auction

A piece of clothing worn by the President of Ukraine has been sold for thousands at a fundraising auction.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has just auctioned off his well-known khaki zip-up fleece at a charity auction.

Following an event at the Tate Modern art gallery in Bankside, London, Zelenskyy's famous fleece was bought for an impressive £90,000 ($111,000).

While the starting price of the garment was set at £50k ($62k), British Prime Minister Boris Johnson urged prospective buyers to bid 'much higher'.

The fleece auction raised £90,000 for charity.

The Brave Ukraine fundraising event, hosted by the Ukraine Embassy, took place on Friday (6 May).

The Tate Modern, issued a press release detailing their 'statement of solidarity with Ukraine'.

It reads: "Tate stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine and in condemnation of Russia’s invasion.

"Alongside other museums and arts organisations around the world, we support the global campaign calling on Russia to withdraw from Ukraine immediately, and we will not work with or maintain relationships with anyone associated with the Russian government."

The Brave Ukraine event was hosted by the Tate Modern.

Zelenskyy used the opportunity to publicly announce his thanks and praise for the UK's aid during the ongoing Russian invasion, that started on 24 February 2022.

Discussing the invasion during the event, Johnson stated that Russian President Vladimir Putin will not see victory over the public.

He announced: "No matter what Putin tries to do to Ukraine's people... he will never break their spirit."

The fleece in question was commonly worn by Zelenskyy when addressing Ukrainian citizens and during public speaking events.

Zelenskyy described the PM as "brave" following a visit to Kyiv.

When speaking at the event, Johnson stated: "Whether you are bidding for Volodymyr's fleece - a snip at £50,000, I want much higher bids than that, or you are bidding for a tour of Kyiv with Mayor Klitschko, I have had a tour of Kyiv with Mayor Klitschko, it's a beautiful city."

The PM added: "Well worth it, dig deep.

"Support Ukraine tonight my friends so that that great ancient European capital Kyiv can never be threatened again, and that Ukraine can be whole and free once more."

Johnson dubbed the auction as "Well worth it".

Downing Street has announced that the charity auction predominant objective was to help raise necessary and life-saving funds to aid with humanitarian efforts following the Russian invasion.

The PM relayed that Ukraine has got the support of the British public, pointing to the 'blue and yellow flags flying everywhere...from town halls and church spires and front gardens and children's playgrounds'.

Johnson also described Zelenskyy as 'truly one of the most incredible leaders of modern times'.

No. 10 Downing Street have stated that the event was vital in raising money for the humanitarian cause.

Mr Johnson continued: "Ukraine will be free, and a sovereign Ukraine will rise again."

He added: "Without any moral ambiguity that I can see, [it is] a struggle between freedom and oppression, between democracy and tyranny, independence and imperialism, light and darkness, good and evil."

The PM concluded: "And just as we must help Ukraine to defend herself against aggression, so we must also do everything we can to ease the terrible burden of suffering imposed on an innocent people."

At least 3,280 civilians have died as a result of the war in Ukraine as of 4 May.

If you would like to donate to the Red Cross Emergency Appeal, which will help provide food, medicines and basic medical supplies, shelter and water to those in Ukraine, click here for more information 

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Russia, Ukraine, Boris Johnson