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Voting is underway to declare America’s best kid mullet and they’re all glorious
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Voting is underway to declare America’s best kid mullet and they’re all glorious

Bowdin, Axel, Callen and 22 others are all vying for the country's best 'business in the front, party in the back' hairdo.

Voting has kicked off in what may be the most important competition in the history of the universe: the annual USA Mullet Championships.

With celebrities including Billie Eilish, Demi Lovato, and - of course - Stranger Things' Eddie Munson, it seems the '80s hairstyle that's all about 'business in the front, party in the back, is making a huge return.

The shortlist of the 25 boys finalists has been announced, and it is now down to voters to decide who has the best 'do.

And these kids are rocking it, quite frankly.

Of the 25 kids finalists, glorious manes vary from long, flowing locks at the back to curls or shorter, straight flaps of hair at the back.

Some kids are even getting designs shaved into the sides of their heads for extra flair, like Oklahoma entrant Landry Turpin, who is sporting the American flag above his ear as well as cascading waves falling across the back of his neck.

The competition has gone viral in recent days, with people around the world fascinated by the boys' flowing locks.

Fans have gone wild for the shortlisted options, with some commenting on social media that it is too hard to pick just one incredible mullet.

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One user said: "All of these are absolutely outstanding. It would be extremely difficult to pick just one."

Another added: "This is literally the best thing on Facebook right now."

One social media user on Twitter had a simple and frank response: "We support Big Willy in this house."

As well as sporting some mean mullets, some social media users have also gone wild over the boy's names.

One user said: "For me it's naming your child 'Ridge'"

A second user replied: "I’m sorry, are we just gonna ignore Catchyn?"

A third added: "Zander Trainer is a dope name."

While the hairstyle competition seems like a bit of harmless fun, it's much more than that as it raises money for charity.

Proceeds go to Maggie's Wigs 4 Kids Wellness Centre and Salon, a non-profit that provides wigs and support services at no charge to children and young adults experiencing hair loss due to cancer, alopecia, burns and other disorders.

Voting went live on August 15 and will wrap up tomorrow (August 19), so there is still time to pick your favourite kid and their crowning glory.

Cast your vote for your favourite mullet at the USA Mullet Championships website.

Featured Image Credit: USA Mullet Championships/Facebook.

Topics: US News, Weird, Fashion, Parenting

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