A woman was left mortified when she tried to surprise her partner by getting into his car wearing lingerie, only to discover his gran was in the back seat. Check it out:
US TikToker Mackenzie Lynn Smith captured the awkward encounter on social media, and her post quickly racked up more than 2.5 million likes and thousands of comments.
Holding up lace lingerie to the camera, Mackenzie wrote across her video: “Going out to the car in this to get my husband’s reaction.”Getting ready to surprise her partner, Mackenzie could be heard saying: “I’m going to get changed. He’s going to be here in a couple of minutes. Let’s hope he likes it.”
She then runs through the garage and over to her husband’s car, quickly hopping inside so that her neighbours don’t spot her, telling her followers beforehand: “OK so he just pulled up, but I have to make sure my neighbours aren’t out. OMG, I’m scared. Alright, just gotta make a run for it.”
As Mackenzie sits down inside the vehicle, her husband looks visibly dismayed and responds to her ‘hi’ but awkwardly saying 'What’s up?' with his hand over his face.
When Mackenzie asks 'What?', her husband’s gran can then be heard saying from the back seat: “Well hi sweetie, don’t you look nice.”
Mackenzie gasps before her husband tells her: “She wanted to check out the new car.” Mackenzie shakily responds: “OK,” before turning off the camera.
Social media users were quick to comment on the awkwardness of the situation, with one writing: “Omg I would have ran and hide under the covers for a week.”
Noting how embarrassed Mackenzie’s husband looked, another added: “You can see the tears about to form out of pure embarrassment bro.”
A third echoed: “He was fighting for his life in that moment,” while a fourth TikTok user wrote: “I wanna say it’s staged but he’s in literal tears.”
Others were quick to commend Mackenzie’s husband’s gran’s laidback response, with one penning: “At least grandma was chill about it.”
“Aw that was such a cute reaction,” penned another person, while a seventh wrote: “Protect that granny at all costs!”
Others simply refused to believe that the moment wasn’t staged, with many people leaving comments beneath Mackenzie’s clip like: “This is definitely real. *eyeroll*,” “Would be funny if this was real,” and “How do people genuinely believe this is real?”
Oh ye of little faith.
Topics: TikTok, Sex and Relationships