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Psychic medium claims her nights out get ruined by spirits forcing her to down her drinks

Psychic medium claims her nights out get ruined by spirits forcing her to down her drinks

She says that spirits make her finish her drink and move on to the next bar

A psychic medium has claimed that her nights out are being ruined by spirits, but not the ones you'd buy at a bar.

Zerah Fleming claims that when she's out and about the voices of the dead speak and implore her to go bar-hopping so she can deliver as many messages as possible from beyond the grave.

She says she keeps having to make excuses to her friends as to why they keep having to switch locations and said she tells pals she just changed her mind.

However, the 31-year-old, from Plymouth, Devon, claims that instead the spirits are making her down her drink and leave so she can go and see their loved ones to pass along messages like a kind of supernatural postie.

Zerah Fleming says it's hard to have a night out because spirits keep bothering her. (Kennedy News and Media)
Zerah Fleming says it's hard to have a night out because spirits keep bothering her. (Kennedy News and Media)

If you're wondering how one gets into the whole 'psychic medium' thing, Zerah said her weird gifts 'woke up' about five years ago but she has since learned to find the off switch for talkative ghosts who seemingly want her to drink up and get to the next bar.

It's certainly a different approach to the psychic who uses asparagus to tell fortunes.

Normally it's a different type of spirits that tell you to down your drink and head to a different bar, but Zerah explained that they can be quite persistent.

She said: "If I tried to ignore it the voice would say the same thing or get louder and be persistent.

"I would never tell my friends why I wanted to go to a particular bar. I would say 'look guys I don't want to go here, shall we go to this next place?' because I had this compulsion to go there.

"Once I got there I realised why when I bumped into someone I had something to tell. It's been a mixed response when I've approached strangers.

"Sometimes they were taken aback and sometimes it did scare people but it's a very welcome response in the majority of cases."

She admitted it was sometimes 'overwhelming'. (Kennedy News and Media)
She admitted it was sometimes 'overwhelming'. (Kennedy News and Media)

There are times when the messages aren't so nice, and Zerah said that passing along the information ended up 'scaring' the bar patron.

She revealed that her dad and mum, who passed away in 2019 and 2022 respectively, also had psychic gifts, and said that she first heard the call from beyond the grave two weeks after her dad died.

Apparently he told her to 'lock the door' to stop someone getting into her house, and claims that he also helped her avoid a car accident by telling her to brake.

Zerah says she doesn't find it chatting to the spirits of the dead all that scary, but admitted it was sometimes 'overwhelming'.

The psychic medium says she first started hearing spirits after her dad died. (Kennedy News and Media)
The psychic medium says she first started hearing spirits after her dad died. (Kennedy News and Media)

She said: "I think people have that misconception that it would be scary, but it can be overwhelming, especially when I didn't know how to turn it off.

"It could be frustrating, especially if I was out with friends, someone could walk past me and I would know I'd need to talk to them but I wouldn't say I was scared.

"The majority of people that know me have been super supportive, my business started through word of mouth from reading friends. I feel really privileged that I have this gift and it can be used to help people.

"Everyone is entitled to their belief but I wouldn't knock it until you've tried it once."

So there you go, if someone comes up to you at a bar and passes along a message from a late relative before downing her drink and moving on it's all because of spirits who need to pass along a message to you.

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media

Topics: Weird