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Awkward moment Michael B. Jordan reminds reporter what she used to call him at school

Awkward moment Michael B. Jordan reminds reporter what she used to call him at school

Michael B. Jordan relished in an awkward moment with a reporter revealing what she used to call him at school

Michael B Jordan seemed to have the last laugh with someone who apparently used to mock him back when he was at school.

School can be a brilliant time full of ridiculous antics and great memories and sometimes... it isn’t. If you're lucky maybe it is a mix of both.

But something most people have to deal with at one point or another at school is bullying, and for celebrities growing up, it isn’t much different.

Michael B. Jordan may be a household name, despite the name already being affiliated with two massive icons, but he wasn’t always.

Last year, while walking the red carpet to promote Creed III he bumped into an old classmate who wanted to interview him and boy he was ready to call her out.

Lore’l is the host of The Morning Hustle Show and attended school with Jordan in Newark, New Jersey.

Jordan wasn’t going to let things slide and interrupted her to say: "I was the corny kid, right?"

Lore'l responded: "I did not say that! I was misquoted for sure!", leading the actor to double down as he replied: "I heard it."

Definitely awkward but the man was just going to let things slide so fair play to him.

Jordan was referring to comments Lore'l made on a podcast back in 2021.

Jordan wasn’t going to let things slide and interrupted her to say "I was the corny kid, right?" (The Morning Hustle)
Jordan wasn’t going to let things slide and interrupted her to say "I was the corny kid, right?" (The Morning Hustle)

She said: "You know what’s so crazy? I went to school with Michael B. Jordan at a point in life.

"And to be honest with you, we teased him all the damn time because his name was Michael Jordan. Let’s start there, and he was no Michael Jordan.

"And he also would come to school with a headshot. We lived in Newark, that’s the hood.

"We would make fun of him like, ‘What you gonna do with your stupid headshot!?’ And now look at him!"

While she denied calling Jordan ‘corny’ she did say she used to mock him for his name while also exclaiming he was now ‘killing it’ in Hollywood.

While she denied calling Jordan ‘corny’ she did say she used to mock him. (The Morning Hustle)
While she denied calling Jordan ‘corny’ she did say she used to mock him. (The Morning Hustle)

To try and salvage the moment Lore’l tried to end on a light and funny note buuuuut Jordan wasn’t having it.

She joked: "Well, you're not corny anymore." To which Jordan didn’t respond and continued walking down the carpet.

The interview spread like wildfire on social media with many siding with Jordan for both calling her out for her comments and being brave enough to say something.

Featured Image Credit: The Morning Hustle

Topics: Michael B Jordan, Celebrity