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Chart Shows The Most Difficult Pokémon To Catch On Pokémon Go

Chart Shows The Most Difficult Pokémon To Catch On Pokémon Go

Elusive bastards.

Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

Featured image credit: The Pokémon Company International

It's getting to the point now where the initial excitement of how great Pokémon Go is, is starting to fade. Now, it's not about it being a revolutionary game, it's about catching as many of those elusive fuckers as possible and impressing your mates because your Machop is 70 CP higher then theirs. It's getting intense.

So, since we're all knee deep in Pidgeys, Rattatas and Weedles, it's important to each and everyone of you to know about the rarities in the game.

You may be getting frustrated that of the thousands of Poké balls you've used all you have to show for it is 17 Psyducks, one Gengar and a fuck tonne of Magikarps, but you shouldn't worry - that's happening to everyone.

Someone on Reddit posted a chart of the most difficult Pokémons to catch, so it looks as if there's disappointing times ahead.

There's no point in any of us chatting shit about Mewtwo here, because it remains to be seen whether he's in the game or not. Rumour has it, however, that there's only one location in the world where Mewtwo dwells. My guess would be Guantanamo Bay, because, well, who's risking going there to catch it. Also, he fits right in.

Redditor jordansw showed that Abra, the conniving little git, has a flee percent of 99. This means, according to Jordan, that 99 times out of 100 the mind-reading evil, yet devilishly cute, psychic-type will escape the grasp of your Poké ball.

Credit: jordansw via Reddit

In terms of fleeing, none of the other Pokémon in the list come close. The closest are Pidgey, Zubat, Rattata, and Weedle, with a flee percent of 20.

Rarity is also an issue, as there's only a 0.36 percent chance of you coming across an Abra. Which basically means you could spend weeks, maybe even months, tracking down Abra, get one chance, blow it, and then not see him for another few months.

According to the chart, Pidgey has a fairly high rarity rate of 18.68%.

I assume Magikarp was left off this chart because flee percentage would be in minus figures.

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