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James Corden can eat for free for a decade if he apologises to restaurant staff

James Corden can eat for free for a decade if he apologises to restaurant staff

Earlier this week, Balthazar owner Keith McNally outed James Corden as the ‘most abusive customer’ he had ever experienced

Restaurateur Keith McNally has said James Corden can ‘eat for free’ for a decade if he apologises to his staff, saying the star needs to go ‘one step further’ in making amends.

Earlier this week, McNally outed Corden as the ‘most abusive customer’ he had ever experienced, sharing alleged incidents involving Corden and members of staff at his restaurant Balthazar, New York.

"James Corden is a hugely gifted comedian, but a tiny cretin of a man," McNally wrote on social media.

"And the most abusive customer to my Balthazar servers since the restaurant opened 25 years ago.”

He added that Corden was banned from his restaurant – later reversing his decision after the comedian called him up to apologise, saying: “Anyone magnanimous enough to apologise to a deadbeat layabout like me (and my staff) doesn’t deserve to be banned from anywhere.”

McNally had shared managers' reports outlining Corden's alleged behaviour.

McNally had also previously admitted he felt 'really sorry' for Corden over what happened, having posted a photo of himself with his daughter and her best friend at Balthazar that evening.

He said: “Feeling strange about the James Corden thing. On the one hand, he was definitely abusive to my staff, on the other hand, I feel really sorry for him right now.

"Like most cowards I want it both ways. F**k it, I’m going to get drunk.”

Keith McNally.

But after Corden told The New York Times that he hadn't ‘done anything wrong, on any level’, describing the row as ‘silly’, McNally now wants him to go and say sorry to the servers that he ‘insulted’.

If he does so, in return the restaurant owner will let the celebrity eat for free at Balthazar for the next decade.

McNally wrote in his latest Instagram rant: “I’ve no wish to kick a man when he’s down. Especially one who’s worth $100 million, but when James Corden said in yesterday’s NY Times that he hadn’t done ‘anything wrong, on any level,’ was he joking?

“Or was he denying being abusive to my servers? Whatever Corden meant, his implication was clear: he didn’t do it.

“Although I didn’t witness the incident, lots of my restaurant’s floor staff did. They had nothing to gain by lying. Corden did.”

McNally now says Corden can eat for free for a decade - if he apologises to staff.

He continued: “I wish James Corden would live up to his Almighty initials and come clean. If the supremely talented actor wants to retrieve the respect he had from all his fans (all 4 of them) before this incident, then he should at least admit he did wrong.

“If he goes one step further and apologises to the 2 servers he insulted, I’ll let him eat for free at Balthazar for the next 10 years.”

Something tells us he won't be ordering another omelette if he does take McNally up on the offer.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@keithmcnallynyc/Shutterstock

Topics: Celebrity, James Corden

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