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Baby Reindeer's Richard Gadd explains what his life has been like since the show

Baby Reindeer's Richard Gadd explains what his life has been like since the show

The Baby Reindeer creator says he 'can’t really go into pubs anymore'.

Baby Reindeer creator Richard Gadd has opened up about what life has been like since the show dropped on Netflix.

The Scottish comedian, 35, has become an overnight sensation after starring as a fictionalised version of himself in, arguably, the most talked-about TV series of the year, so far.

While working at the local pub, things take a sinister turn when Gadd's character, Donny Dunn, gets stalked by a woman named Martha (played by Jessica Gunning).

After watching all seven episodes, some viewers have been attempting to identify the 'real-life' characters and Gadd has warned them against doing so, due to the 'significant legal and ethical implications'.

Just last week (9 May), the whole thing blew up after a woman who has been dubbed the 'real-life Martha', sat down with Piers Morgan for an interview on Piers Morgan Uncensored - with the episode having already been watched over 10 million times on YouTube.

With such a huge spotlight beaming on Baby Reindeer, Gadd says his life has changed forever.

Richard Gadd still doesn't think he's famous. (Netflix)
Richard Gadd still doesn't think he's famous. (Netflix)

In an interview with Hollywood Reporter, the 35-year-old spoke about his recent visit to the pub, saying: "It was bedlam, it was chaos. People coming up all the time, all the time, sharing stories and talking about the show and how it affected them.

"I kind of thought, 'Oh, I can’t really go into pubs anymore and expect to sit there quietly in a corner and have some food'."

He also recalled: "On the flight over here to L.A., the captain came back because he had heard I was on the plane.

"He spoke to me and then the other pilot came back, too, so that was quite surreal. I still don’t think of myself as famous.

"I don’t believe it inside, so when people come up, I still find it quite strange."

The show is still number one on UK Netflix. (Netflix)
The show is still number one on UK Netflix. (Netflix)

On his new-found fame, Gadd said 'there's been some crazy stuff' going on.

"Stephen King has followed the show and written at length about it. I was so surprised, I thought someone had doctored it and sent it to me as a joke," Gadd revealed.

"I know that Cardi B has posted about the show. The one that meant the most to me along with the Pogues was actually John Cena.

"He sent me a private video talking about the show and how much he liked it.

"I’m a big wrestling fan and a big John Cena fan, so that kind of blew my mind. It meant a lot to me."

Elsewhere in the interview, he also spoke about viewers seeking out the real-life characters, saying he 'doesn't agree with the sleuth thing'.

Baby Reindeer is available to watch on Netflix now.

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Baby Reindeer, Netflix, TV