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The 1% club viewers ask 'help me understand' as series end leaves them stumped

The 1% club viewers ask 'help me understand' as series end leaves them stumped

Fans of the show were completely lost when it came to the final 1% question of the series

Fans of the 1% Club couldn't seem to figure out the answer to the final question of last night's (Saturday 25 May) episode, which was also the series finale.

The ITV quiz show closed its fourth season on Saturday night, as host Lee Mack welcomed 100 contestants into the studio to put their brains to the test with a chance to win a share of the coveted £100,000 cash prize.

One by one, contestants fell as the rounds went on as the episode approached the final round, where the question had viewers at home, as well as a few contestants, well and truly puzzled.

The final question of the series was a tough one, sticking to the show's name as it seemed like only 1 percent of people could figure it out.

Lee asked contestants: "What three-digit number comes next in this sequence?

"1, 8, 11, 69, 88, 96, 101," he stated.

Some viewers were completely lost at home, with there being no clear pattern or path to follow when it came to the sequence, which required people to think outside the box.

And they took to X to share their frustrations.

People were baffled by the question (ITV)
People were baffled by the question (ITV)

One user shared: "Please can someone explain how this is worked out."

Another posted: "Didn’t get it in time… got all the way with my pass too"

A third put: "I’m still trying to work it out," with a laughing emoji.

It turns out that the answer to the question was 111 - though many couldn't work out why that was the answer.

One user said: "Still don’t know the method for the answer of this as went off to quickly but said 111 now my family think I’m some genius."

A fifth shared: "I got it but idk how my brain just thought it MUST be it, makes sense."

However, a few brainiacs managed to uncover the pattern of the sequence and shared it on the social media app.

It was later explained how the sequence worked (ITV)
It was later explained how the sequence worked (ITV)

Someone explained: "Strobogrammatic numbers. These are numbers that appear the same when rotated 180 degrees (upside down)."

While a different user said the same, writing: "111. They are all numbers that read the same when upside down."

Out of the remaining six players in the game, contestant Rachel decided to take the money she won so far rather than risking the prospect of leaving with nothing.

So out of of the five remaining players, only two got the final question right -meaning the pair left with an eye-watering £98,000 between them.

Mack then explained: "All the numbers in this sequence remain the same when rotated 180 degrees.

"111 is the next number for which this is true."

Did you figure it out?

Featured Image Credit: ITV

Topics: ITV, TV, TV and Film