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Harry Kane took part in First We Feast's Hot Ones challenge, and his appearance successfully proved that he's not only a legend on the football pitch.

The 29-year-old Spurs forward made history when he became the first English footballer to appear on the popular YouTube series today (13 July), where he sat down with host Sean Evans to chat all things sports, while simultaneously eating hot wings.

His appearance alone was enough to send fans of the show into a frenzy, with many unable to comprehend the fact that Kane was in the Hot Ones studio.

Harry Kane took on the challenge like a champ.
YouTube/First We Feast

"Harry Kane would've been the last person I'd have imagined to be on Hot Ones lmao," one baffled person wrote, while another commented: "Never in a million years did I think I'd see Harry Kane on this show, but I'm all here for it."

His appearance wasn't the only thing that surprised fans, though, as not only did Kane take part in the challenge; he absolutely smashed it.

Fans of the series will know that guests are tasked with making their way through increasingly hot chicken wings, but early on in the episode Kane indicated that he was up for the challenge, saying: "I do like a curry back home."

As he made his way through the selection, the footballer proved that he's made of some strong stuff as he answered Evans' questions for a long time without breaking a sweat.

He began to get a little nervous later into the episode, though, admitting to Evans that he'd heard of one particular hot sauce, known as 'Da Bomb'.

So that probably tells you all you need to know about the sauce.

Harry Kane didn't struggle much with the challenge.
YouTube/First We Feast

The sauce has a Scoville level of 135,600 - and for reference, sriracha sauce ranges between 1,000 to 2,500 Scoville units.

"I've heard about this," Kane said, adding: "I've just heard it's brutal. Unenjoyable."

In spite of the reputation around the hot sauce, Kane sunk his teeth into the chicken wing to find out what all the fuss was about, and immediately regretted it.

"That's not nice," he said, coughing and drinking milk to try and put out the fire that was no doubt burning in his throat.

The sauce was the first that he really took issue with, claiming he could have the others with 'a bit of food'.

Kane admitted the room was 'getting hot' as the wings continued to increase in intensity, but like the champ that he is, he powered on all the way to the last sauce - one which was apparently so hot that it didn't even have a Scoville level.

After putting the sauce on his wing, Kane got stuck in and said it went 'straight up [his] nose'.

All in all, though, he handled it amazingly, with barely even a cough.

His performance earned him a wealth of praise, with one fan commenting: "As a Brit I would not have expected Harry Kane to perform that well. Tipping my hat here!"

Fair play, Kane!

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/First We Feast

Topics: Food And Drink, Football, Harry Kane, UK News, YouTube, Sport