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New research reveals the 10 common reasons Brits break up
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New research reveals the 10 common reasons Brits break up

People have declared their biggest deal-breakers

New research has revealed the most common reasons why people break up, and they make a lot of sense.

Whether it's an ick that you just cannot ignore or more deep-rooted issues within the relationship, sometimes it's not meant to be.

But everyone has different breaking points surely?

The biggest reasons for break ups have been revealed.
Maria Korneeva/Getty Images

Well, that might be true but there are some that are seemingly universal.

Now, a new survey by Haypp has revealed the icks that would be a deal breaker for Brits.

Can you relate to any of these?


In the top spot, telling fibs is the biggest reason why Brits would break it up.

It's pretty fair enough.

After all, lies can encompass all kinds of bad behaviour, and if there's no trust in a relationship, then there's no chance.

Bad hygiene

Whether it's bad breath, long fingernails, loud eating or a habit of rarely showering, bad hygiene is a huge ick - and one of the biggest reasons for ending a relationship.

Drinking too much

Excessive boozing can cause all kinds of issues in relationships - and for some people, it's a deal breaker.

In fact, nearly a quarter of couples admit they often argue after one or both have been drinking.


If one person smokes but the other hates the habit, it can be hard to compromise.

Smoking is the fourth most common reason why Brits break up - with one in three claiming it would massively put them off.

Flirty behaviour

Who would put up with this in a relationship?

Flirting with another person who isn't your partner is a big no-no, so it's no surprise that it's one of the most common causes of a split.

The partner didn’t work

Some people are more career-driven than others, and having one partner not working can be a huge issue for some, especially if there are any financial pressures at play.

The partner was a bad listener

Being able to communicate is one of the most important parts of a relationship, so having a partner who doesn't want to listen to your problems can be a real issue.

It's giving self-obsessed and selfish.

Being a bad listener is a huge no-no.
urbazon/Getty Images

The partner didn’t want to meet friends/family

For most people, making sure their partner gets along with their loved ones is hugely important.

So if they don't even want to meet them? Bye!

The partner was constantly on their phone

It's pretty boring when you're with someone and they're *constantly* on their phones.

Being able to have a proper conversation without the need to scroll social media is pretty high on people's list of priorities.

The partner partied too often

Having a partner who parties too often is one of the biggest reasons for a break up - and it's easy to see why.

If you're idea of a blissful evening is a night in with a pizza but your other half wants to party four nights a week - then you might end up clashing.

Markus Lindblad from Haypp said: "We conducted this survey to find out what the UK's biggest dating dilemmas are and what traits could even lead to the demise of a relationship.

"The results show that we clearly have strong feelings toward smells and definitely appearances too.

"Luckily, most of these answers are things we can easily change, like using deodorant and brushing your teeth."

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

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