Whomever and wherever you are, you probably have encountered some annoying passengers in your day.
When you go out and about there's all sorts of ways you can end up p**sing off your felling travellers, but some traits are more annoying than others.
Ideally you want to make people think you're really cool, and usually that boils down to paying attention to what you can and can't do while being polite about it.
It's really not that difficult, or it shouldn't be, but there's always going to be some people around who seem intent on spoiling someone else's journey.
Travel writer Christopher Muther laid out his three biggest pet peeves of plane travel in the Boston Globe and they're little things but all incredibly annoying.

Early risers
He said he wished that getting off a plane was a 'calm and orderly process' and the first hurdle for that was the people who got out of their seat as soon as the landing gear touched the runway.
Maybe you want to get up to stretch your legs for a bit, that's understandable, but the people who just get up and kind of stand there in the most obstructive spot around aren't helping anyone.
Muther also pointed out that there were people in window seats who did this and consigned themselves to minutes is bending like a reed in the wind, otherwise they'd stick their head through the overhead luggage.

Rushing ahead
Honestly gang, everybody's going to disembark at about the same time, you don't need to dash ahead of everyone.
You're all going to be standing together waiting for your luggage at the same time, so you're just rushing in one moment to wait around somewhere else.
Unless, of course, you've got speedy boarding, in which case you can pretty much stride on and off your plane and your bags might even be first on the carousel.
This also extends to people who think they've got to do everything as soon as the plane lands like get out the phone and make a particularly noisy call.

Disrespecting the sacred queue
Here in the UK, a failure to adhere to the rules of the queue is considered the foulest of all crimes, though there are many Brits who break these rules and suffer the vicious punishment of a round of stern tutting.
Anyhow, while the people standing around blocking everyone are bad, arguably worse are those who decide they're going to upend society and ignore the confines of the queue.
If other rows are supposed to get up before you then you ought to wait for your turn.
You absolutely ought to mind your manners, and Muther recommended that you don't attempt to use your luggage as a battering ram to fight your way through your fellow passengers.
He also noted that the fastest way to get people off planes was not them leaving by rows but instead by columns, at least according to a 2014 study by Journal of Air Transport Management.
Basically, everyone in the aisle seats gets up and leaves, followed by those in the middle seat and then the lucky souls who got a window.
Granted, this would be pretty chaotic for families who were sitting together and presumably disembarking at the same time.
Topics: Travel, Plane Etiquette