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Why Not Watch This Video Of A Macaque Stroking A Cat?

Why Not Watch This Video Of A Macaque Stroking A Cat?

The Euros are over. You've got nothing better to do.

Josh Teal

Josh Teal

Look lads, it's Tuesday. Let's not sit here and act like we don't want to see anything but a video of a monkey giving a cat a massage.

Cats are usually fussy little bastards when it comes to who pets them, but this one - called Snickers - lets a random Macaque - Bugs Bullock - stroke it into a safari nirvana.

But there's actually more to it.

Not only is this Macaque de-stressing the feline, but is actually finding ticks, popping them and shoving them in its gob.

'Animals being animals, mate. NBD' you might say. But don't pretend you haven't already skipped all of this to watch the video:

As you were.

Words Josh Teal

Featured image: Storyful

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Topics: Animals