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37-Year-Old Virgin Gets 6-foot String Stuck In Penis During Sex Game

37-Year-Old Virgin Gets 6-foot String Stuck In Penis During Sex Game

The man said it was the first time he'd tried to do something like this before

A 37-year-old virgin ended up in a predicament after getting six foot of nylon string stuck inside his penis during an unsuccessful sex game.

The unnamed man was participating in the sex stunt before getting the string lodged into his urethra and ended up having to have it removed while he was under local anaesthetic.

Anyone else squeezing their legs together?

Radiology Case Reports

The patient's unfortunate situation was documented in the medical journal Radiology Case Reports which explained how the man had used the string - which is usually used to thread beads on to - while 'fully erect and watching a pornographic video'.

According to reports, it was the first time he'd performed this although the study noted that he did watch porn and masturbate every day.

It went on to outline: "In several cases, patients may deny inserting objects and claimed that the items were accidentally inserted instead.

"This is due to the feeling of embarrassment of admitting his behaviour to achieve sexual gratification, which often leads to difficulties in acquiring accurate information during history taking.

"Therefore, patients often came to the doctor with late and serious complications. The patient in this report also hesitated to share his condition during history taking due to embarrassment.

"Aside from being embarrassed, he was also difficult to communicate with."

Radiology Case Reports

After experiencing problems urinating and severe abdominal pain which lasted for two hours, the man went to a hospital in Surabaya, Indonesia.

After an unsuccessful first attempt to remove the string, doctors decided to insert a camera into the man's bladder. This showed a 'black bundle of string' which meant that medics were able to use forceps after giving him local anaesthetic.

The report states: "A two-meter nylon string was extracted from the patient's bladder. The patient's postoperative complaints, vital signs, and urine production were within normal limits."

Radiology Case Reports

As a precaution, the man was kept under observation for two days at the hospital where he (luckily) made a full recovery and was discharged with no further complaints.

He was then referred to to a psychiatrist where he was diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder, as well as paraphilia which is a condition whereby someone gets aroused by something considered unusual.

Featured Image Credit: Radiology Case Reports

Topics: Health, News, Weird