A mullet isn't just a hairstyle, it's a lifestyle. That's what eight-year-old Emmitt Bailey reckons, anyway.
He's clearly an expert on the matter too, considering he has just taken out the kids division for the 2022 USA Mullet Championships.
The funky kid from Menomonie, Wisconsin won the competition with a total of 9,896 votes.
Epic Orta came second with 8,404 votes and William Dale Ramsey came in third with a total of 4,058 votes.
Emmitt, who has been maintaining his mullet for two years, was stoked to find that he had finished on top.
"It’s cool that so many people tell you that you got sweet hair," he told BuzzFeed News.
Well, Emmitt, thousands of people think your 'do is flippin' sweet. So go on, lad.
Emmitt said he wanted to model his glorious mop after his ice hockey icons.
"You'll hear a lot of people say, 'It's not just a haircut, it's a lifestyle,' and I really do think that's part of it," Begola told BuzzFeed News.
"Most people with a mullet, obviously they can take the heat if people are kind of giving them crap about it, but I think we've kind of turned that corner."
He added: "I do think the '90s country vibe is coming back hard right now."
Emmitt, who has been nicknamed 'Mullet Boy' by the press, revealed he has a special nickname for his 'do.
It's Mufasa, because, obviously.

His mum Erin revealed she initially wasn't too keen on the 'business on the front, party in the back' hairstyle.
But she's all for it now, of course.
"He was pretty adamant about wanting the mullet since the beginning," she told BuzzFeed News.
"I wasn't on board right away, but it’s just become part of his personality now. He just likes to do his own thing and have his own hair."
Entry fees from the competition were donated to Maggie’s Wigs 4 Kids, a Michigan charity that provides hairpieces for children suffering from cancer, alopecia, burns, or other disorders.
Emmitt won a pair of Pit Viper sunnies for coming first in the competition and US$2,500 (AUD$3,634, £2,115) in cash.
He intends to buy himself a go-kart with his winnings.
So, if you're in Wisconsin anytime soon and you see a blur with a mullet on it zip past, you'll know you're in the presence of Mullet Boy.
So don't forget to bow down to his glory.