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A woman in Australia gave the staff at a McDonald’s restaurant a bit of an unusual sight when she arrived at the drive-thru on the back of a horse.

You would probably have some questions, wouldn’t you? Beyond ‘can I take your order, please?’ anyway.

Would you still serve them? Well, according to McDonald’s, you actually shouldn’t.

They’ve got rules against going through the drive-thru on a horse specifically.

But this woman managed to get what she wanted, though.

The woman rode straight up to the McDonald's drive-thru window on her horse.

This bizarre scene unfolded at a Maccies location in Yarrabilba, which is just south of Brisbane in the Australian state of Queensland.

That will come as absolutely no surprise to anyone familiar with that part of the world.

Anyway, filming the whole thing for her social media, the woman set off through the drive-thru, noting that it said ‘no pedestrians’ but not ‘no horses’, so she assumed it would be all good.

Approaching the window, she ordered a small chai latte with soy milk, before letting the staff member pet her horse.

Hopefully they washed their hands afterwards.

And everyone seemed to be really enjoying the novelty of it, although apparently this sort of thing happens more often than you might think.

The video has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times, and loads of people have been giving their take on it in the comments.

One person said: “They served you!?!? Neat! So many maccas refuse.

“Refuse motorbikes, bicycles, anything not a car. This is beautiful.”

To which the creator responded: “No-one turns VIBE down.”

“I love how excited everyone was,” commented another person.

A third wrote: “Lot more chill than our maccas. Ours refuse you.”

The woman got what she came for in the end.

Well, the truth of the matter is that they’re actually supposed to refuse you if you’re in anything but a car or – presumably – a van.

Walking through the drive-thru isn’t allowed, nor is going through on a motorbike or pushbike.

That’s because of issues concerning the safety of the riders, horses, staff, and other customers.

A spokesperson for McDonald’s told Mail Online: “Ensuring the safety of our people and customers is our top priority at McDonald's,

“We have strict safety policies in place and do not allow customers on horseback through the drive-thru, for the safety of the rider, our employees, fellow customers and the animal.”

So, whilst it’s all good fun and everyone seemed safe and happy, we can’t in good conscience tell you to try this for yourself.

Quite the opposite, in fact.

Don’t try this at your local Maccies because you’ll probably get refused.

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/sme_centre

Topics: Weird, Australia, Animals, McDonalds