A Brazilian bodybuilder known for injecting an oil solution into his muscles has died aged 55.
Valdir Segato was known as the 'Brazilian Hulk' and 'The Monster' and had been warned by doctors that his methods of looking so big could create health complications.
Globo reports the 55-year-old recently asked for help from a neighbour and complained about shortness of breath.
Moisés da Conceição da Silva told the local news outlet: "It was around 6am, more or less. He came crawling through the back house and came to the front.
"Then he knocked on my mother's window, knocked, knocked, then she woke up and he 'help me, help me because I'm dying'."

Globo reports he was taken to North Emergency Care Unit (UPA) for treatment.
"They put him in the car and then the neighbour went to the UPA. He arrived at the UPA, he fell at the reception," Moisés added.
Valdir said he was influenced by the size Arnold Schwarzenegger and the Incredible Hulk and clearly wanted to do whatever he could to imitate their look.
Segato managed to get his superhuman look thanks to injecting his muscles with a concoction consisting of oil, alcohol and painkillers.
Experts warned the synthol injections could increase his risk of stroke, infections, abscesses and even amputation.
He hadn't injected the synthol solution in a while, however he wasn't ruling it out in the future as he wanted to make his breasts larger.

Segato was first warned back in 2016 that his concerning approach could cause disfigurement, nerve and muscle damage and a plethora of other nasty outcomes.
He reportedly had the nickname 'skinny dog' back when he was younger.
Clearly wanting to shed that moniker, he went above and beyond to leave that image in his past.
Valdir started hitting the gym, but he quickly realised that the results he was aiming wouldn't come from just healthy eating and weight training.
So, when he was offered synthol by someone at his gym, he took it.
Valdir says that he has an 'addictive personality', meaning it wasn't long until he was hooked on the stuff and how it made him look.
He previously admitted he received criticism from people on social media, however he didn't care because he liked the way he looked.
Topics: Health