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Former Intelligence Officer Backs Up Claim Prince Andrew Can't Sweat

Former Intelligence Officer Backs Up Claim Prince Andrew Can't Sweat

Former US intelligence officer Allan Starkie remembers a night of partying whereby the royal didn't break out in a sweat

A former US intelligence officer has backed up the claims that Prince Andrew can't sweat after recalling a night of partying together.

Andrew Starkie remembered an evening full of surprise when he noticed - after hours of dancing in London nightclub, Annabel's - that the royal hadn't so much as broke a sweat.

Allan Starkie.

This was the evening that Mr Starkie had met Andrew for the first time alongside his then wife, Sarah Ferguson. It was February of 1992 - just a matter of weeks before the pair announced they were separating.

Mr Starkie explained: "It was extremely warm at Annabel's that night and Andrew was wearing a blue suit of heavy wool. The evening featured almost constant dancing, and I watched with amazement as he returned from each dance, escorting rather moist partners, yet always bone dry himself.

"It was extraordinary. The rest of us were perspiring madly, but he didn't seem to have a bead of sweat on him."

Whether or not the Duke of York can sweat or not is of significance because the woman who alleges he had sex with her when she was 17 explained how he was 'dripping with sweat' when they danced in London club Tramp back in 2001.

Prince Andrew, Virginia Giuffre and Ghislaine Maxwell.
Prince Andrew, Virginia Giuffre and Ghislaine Maxwell.

Virginia Giuffre is suing the Queen’s son for allegedly sexually assaulting her when she was a teenager and claims she was trafficked by disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein to have sex with the duke.

She was pictured with the royal and his friend Ghislaine Maxwell during the period the alleged intercourse took place.

Andrew has denied all allegations.

The duke denied he slept with Ms Giuffre on three separate occasions when questioned by Newsnight presenter Emily Maitlis, saying one encounter did not happen as he had taken his daughter Princess Beatrice to Pizza Express in Woking for a party and they spent the rest of the day together.

The same sexual encounter, which the American said began with the royal sweating heavily as they danced at Tramp nightclub, was factually wrong, the duke said, as he had a medical condition at the time which meant he did not sweat.

Ms Giuffre has alleged in the past she had sex with Andrew in London and New York when she was aged 17, a minor under US law, and again aged 18 on a private Caribbean island owned by Epstein where an orgy took place.

Featured Image Credit: Alamy

Topics: Royal Family, Jeffrey Epstein