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Man captured exact moment heart attack took over his body in shocking footage

Man captured exact moment heart attack took over his body in shocking footage

The bloke had been experiencing 'strange' symptoms a few days before

A man left his viewers, and all the many more who saw it afterwards, in absolute shock when he captured the exact moment a heart attack took over his body.

Back in 2015, Alain Bruno uploaded the shocking footage of his health scare to YouTube.

He’d apparently been experiencing some ‘strange’ symptoms for a few days when he decided to film himself as they developed.

Bruno clicked record when he started feeling uncomfortable while trying to relax in the bath. And before he knew it, he was doubled over in pain, experiencing a heart attack right in front of the camera - soon becoming a viral video.

Unsurprisingly, the bloke said it was the ‘scariest thing’ he’d ever experienced.

He explained in the video's caption: "Today while practising for a new video, those symptoms proved to be a heart attack. I was in pain and I panicked. I thought I was dying.

"Luckily my roommate came home early and immediately called 911.

"I am OK now but I have to be careful for the rest of my life because heart disease runs in my family. Stay safe!"




In the video, which has been viewed more than five million times, Bruno can be seen looking uncomfortable as he washes himself in the bath, then he addresses his audience.

Alain Bruno was in agony when he experienced symptoms of a heart attack. (YouTube / Alain Bruno)
Alain Bruno was in agony when he experienced symptoms of a heart attack. (YouTube / Alain Bruno)

However, before he can even get more than a few words out, he stops and says, 'what the f**k,' before putting a hand on his chest.

At this point, it's pretty obvious that he's in severe pain, which eventually worsens to the point where he doubles over in agony, clutching onto his chest.

People were quick to weigh in on what they had just watched in the comments section.

One viewer said everyone could learn from Bruno's experience, remarking: "This is a perfect example of why you should never be afraid to call 911 when you are experiencing feelings that don’t feel right.

"This poor guy could have been 60 seconds away from dying."

The man filmed himself after experiencing 'strange symptoms' (Jose A. Bernat Bacete/Getty Stock Images)
The man filmed himself after experiencing 'strange symptoms' (Jose A. Bernat Bacete/Getty Stock Images)

"He's so young and fit. Terrifying that this could happen at any moment to anyone," added a second, while a third wrote: "The worst part is that if he were to have passed out from the pain, he probably would have drowned."

A fourth praised: "Thank you for posting this scary but informative experience.

"They always tell you the symptoms to watch out for but it really helps to see it actually happening and what it really looks like."

According to the NHS, common heart attack symptoms include chest pain, shortness of breath, feeling lightheaded or dizzy, nausea, an overwhelming feeling of anxiety and sweating.

If you believe you may be having a heart attack, call an ambulance immediately.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Alain Bruno

Topics: Health, YouTube