A young man who collapsed after being attacked on a night out miraculously woke up just before his life support was switched off.
James Howard-Jones was out in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire with his mates when he was punched in the back of the head by Ben Davies in April last year.
The 28-year-old fell back and hit his head, suffering life-changing injuries that almost killed him.
After being rushed to hospital, James underwent several emergency operations.
However, doctors told his family that he was 'brain dead' and that the 'kindest thing' to do would be to let him die.
But just before his life support was due to be switched off and his organs donated, James began to regain consciousness.

Speaking during a court hearing at Gloucester Crown Court, James' father opened up about the devastating toll his son's injuries had had on him and the family.
He said: "As a result of what happened to James, I need to be his voice so the court can understand the impact this has had on him and our family and close friends.
"Within the first couple of weeks we were told by the doctors treating James that he was brain dead and the kindest thing we could do was to let him die.
"I was asked questions that no parent should ever be asked, such as letting his organs be harvested. We agreed that this should be done and arrangements were being made for transplantation donation.
"Incredibly, despite what the experts had told us, James went on to regain consciousness. Initially he was only able to give eye contact and was unable to move or speak."
Adding: "We are under no illusion James' brain damage is long-term and will require a level of caring for the rest of his life. "All in all the future for my son is looking pretty bleak."
Davies pleaded guilty, admitting to inflicting grievous bodily harm on James without intent.

At his sentencing hearing, Judge Martin Picton said James' father's statement was one of the most heartbreaking he had ever heard.
Speaking to the 24-year-old, he said: "You've destroyed the life and hopes of Mr Howard-Jones - a young man in the prime of life with everything to live for.
"At the same time, you broke the hearts of his family and friends. The damage you have caused is devastating and lifelong for all those affected by your criminal act."
Davies was sentenced to two years and four months in prison, which Judge Picton admitted could not 'properly reflect the terrible harm' he had done.
He went on: "You will serve your sentence and be released. Mr Howard-Jones will never be released from what you have done to him and neither will those who love him.
"The victim personal statement provided by James's father is one of the saddest I have ever known.
"What happened in this case should be a lesson for others about the terrible consequences that can result from the use of violence, which is sadly seen all too frequently when young people are out trying to enjoy themselves at night."
A GoFundMe has been set up for James, which you can donate to here.