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Man Called ‘Disgusting’ For Defacing Aussie Election Posters

Man Called ‘Disgusting’ For Defacing Aussie Election Posters

A man in black has been spotted spray painting penises on Liberal Party election posters just days before the Australian federal election.

A middle-aged graffiti artist has been roasted online after he was caught on camera defacing multiple Liberal Party corflutes in the NSW seat of Bennelong.

The brazen man was spotted in broad daylight spray painting massive black penises over the faces of Liberal hopefuls by a main road.

He wasted no time in doing so, moving from campaign poster to campaign poster in a methodical fashion.

His final piece, however, was not a penis.

Instead, he chose to write c**t across an image of Liberal Simon Kennedy in massive capital letters.

Then he can be seen calmly walking away in the footage, past his own mini-gallery of now-ruined Liberal signs.

Liberal Senator Holly Hughes has lashed out at the unidentified man on Twitter.

"This is absolutely disgusting," Hughes wrote on social media.

"Our Australian democracy is strong and robust, but actions like this undermine it."

She then added: "Bennelong deserves better."

She then called on Labor candidate Jerome Laxale and NSW Labor to respond, asking them to confirm the man in black was 'not one of their workers, affiliates or a unionist'.

It appears neither have responded, with both Laxale and NSW Labor instead focusing on Saturday's (May 21) looming election.

Bennelong, a usually safe Liberal seat in Northern Sydney, looks like it could wind up belonging to the Labor Party in the federal election on May 21.

The man in black.
Twitter/Holly Hughes

According to the Guardian, strategists claim Labor looks set to gain Bennelong due to the staggeringly high disapproval rate of current Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

That, paired with the fact the the electorate doesn't have an teal-coloured independent for dissatisfied centrists to back.

According to YouGov, Bennelong has a disapproval rate of 62 per cent when it comes to Morrison’s performance as Prime Minister.

So, this could explain why there is an anti-Liberal Bansky wannabe knocking around Bennelong.

And it wouldn't be the first time the Liberals have suffered a blistering loss in Bennelong.

Former Australian Prime Minister John Howard lost Bennelong in 2007.

Howard then became the second sitting Prime Minister ever to suffer that indignity as he watched his government cleaned out of office.

The Labor Party has pinned their hopes on Laxale, who is known to the community having previously served as mayor and is currently serving as a local councillor.

So, let the games begin.

Featured Image Credit: Twitter/Senator Hollie Hughes

Topics: Australia, Politics