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Adult Performer Made £100,000 Taking Lateral Flow Tests On Camera

Adult Performer Made £100,000 Taking Lateral Flow Tests On Camera

Kitty has thousands of subscribers on rivalling OnlyFans platform Fanvue

Anish Vij

Anish Vij

An adult performer claims to have made a whopping £100,000 from taking Covid tests on camera.

When you think you've read it all, there's always something unexpected that comes along to keep you on your toes.

Anyway, Kitty has thousands of subscribers on OnlyFans rival platform Fanvue and she says her fans love watching her take lateral flow tests.

Usually the test can make your eyes water, however, the adult star reckons she doesn't flinch at all when swallowing the long swab.

Kitty, who has more than 300,000 followers on her Instagram @kittynacre, says she's taken hundreds of lateral flow tests on camera at the request of her fans.


"I've made thousands from my lateral flow tests content alone," she told The Mirror.

"You have to put the work in but I've built up a loyal fan base who keep coming back for more."

Kitty most enjoys the private chats with her top fans, which she says is 'where all the fun happens'.

She added: "I've been asked to sell used panties to people, to send spit, and one day someone even asked me for a used lateral flow test."

After receiving her first request for an LFT, Kitty clocked on to a 'gap in the market' and before she knew it, the requests came flooding in.

"I've been asked to drizzle the buffer and swab places I don't think I can even say out loud," she went on to say.

"It's been drilled into us to test regularly so I've been a good girl and have been doing as I was told.

"People just like to watch me do them, and I'm happy to give them what they want."


She has a response to those who might criticise her for taking so many tests when she doesn't have Covid.

Kitty believes she's being responsible enough by reminding people to test regularly, since cases look to be on the rise again.

Kitty concluded: "That can only be a good thing, right?

"The NHS have done an amazing job, and supporting their work is really important to me.

"For each lateral flow video request, I'm also donating a percentage of earns to NHS charities so they can keep up all their great work."

Featured Image Credit: Mirrorpix

Topics: onlyfans, UK News