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People Dressed As Boris Johnson Gather For Party Outside Downing Street

People Dressed As Boris Johnson Gather For Party Outside Downing Street

The prime minister has come under fire over a serious of alleged parties that breached lockdown restrictions

A group of around 100 people have dressed up as Boris Johnson and partied outside Downing Street. Watch here:

Footage shared by YouTuber Robbie Knox shows the large crowd donning suits, blond wigs and Johnson masks as they blared out tunes, danced and clutched bottles of wine.

The stunt appears to be the work of Knox's collaborator JaackMaate, who said on Twitter that a video about the caper would be coming soon.

If you've not the foggiest clue what this is all about, then you mustn't have been paying much attention to the news in the UK lately.

The prime minister has come under intense pressure over a series of parties at Downing Street which breached lockdown restrictions.

A string of leaks over recent weeks has prompted a number of denials and apologies, with Labour opposition Keir Starmer calling for Johnson to resign.

Earlier today (Friday 14 January), Downing Street confirmed it has apologised to Buckingham Palace after it emerged that a number of parties had been held at No 10 the night before Prince Philip's funeral.

They made a very clear point.

The PM’s deputy official spokesman said: “It's deeply regrettable that this took place at a time of national mourning, and No 10 has apologised to the Palace.

"You've heard from the Prime Minister this week, he's recognised No 10 should be held to the highest standards and take responsibility for the things we did not get right.

"We have apologised to the Palace."

Yesterday, reports emerged that Downing Street had hosted two 'boozy' parties on the eve of the funeral for Prince Philip's, who was laid to rest on 17 April last year.

Eye witnesses told The Telegraph how there were two events being thrown at Number 10 on 16 April, despite lockdown rules preventing such behaviour.


One event was a leaving do for Johnson's director of communications, James Slack, while the other was reportedly a farewell for one of his personal photographers.

An attendee reported that the two gatherings were held in different parts of Number 10 before eventually combining.

The next day, the Queen attended her husband Philip's funeral wearing a face mask and socially distanced from her family at Windsor Castle, in line with Covid restrictions.

At the time, the UK was on Step 2 of easing out of lockdown, but the rules meant citizens couldn't socialise indoors with people from outside their households. People could only meet up in groups of six or two households outside.

Meanwhile, at Downing Street, staff were said to have been partying into the small hours of 17 April, with witnesses telling The Telegraph that there was dancing and 'excessive alcohol'.

People became 'worried there was too much wine spilling on the basement carpet' so they eventually moved upstairs.

The total number of parties or gatherings alleged to have happened across Whitehall during restrictions now stands at 14.

Featured Image Credit: Twitter/@RobbieKnox

Topics: UK News, Politics, Boris Johnson

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