A drug gang dreaming of a white Christmas found they were definitely on the naughty list when they were rumbled by Father Christmas and his elves. You can wait the bizarre police raid below:
Police in Peru dressed up as Santa and his helpers to appear inconspicuous during the drug bust.
Officers stormed the building in Surquillo in Lima, breaking tradition from Santa’s usual methods by breaking down the door rather than heading down the chimney, to cuff the group
“It being Christmas, a Santa in the street does not attract much attention, and we used this to our advantage for this operation,” police official David Villanueva told Peruvian TV.

In footage of the raid, the festively dressed up police offers can be seen running down the street towards the building before one of Santa’s helpers swings at the door with a huge hammer.
The door immediately gives and the elves force their way in, closely followed by officers in more standard uniform.
But instead of greeting them with a jolly ‘ho, ho, ho’ while asking what they want for Christmas, they scream for the gang to get down on the ground.
They then cuff them before they’re led away to the police van.
Meanwhile other officers can be seen searching the premises findings what appears to be drugs and a couple of weapons.
Villanueva said that the suspects, made up of three men and a woman, initially thought the raid was a joke, reported France 24.

Fittingly the bust was named ‘The fall of the Chicago Grinch’ after the green monster who stole Christmas and the town’s nickname of ‘Little Chicago’.
The police seized 6,000 small packets of cocaine paste, 104 packets of cocaine powder and 279 wraps of marijuana.
In Peru, which is one of the world’s biggest cocaine producers, a kilogram of cocaine paste can sell for $380 (£310) while a kilo of powder can sell for $1,000 (£820).
Commenting on the operation, many applauded the creative approach.
“I like it, they should do that here for drug busts,” said one.
Others said the operation was 'class' and 'brilliant'.
However, another person joked: “Santa seems to getting more aggressive with the present delivery this year.
"Is this what to expect on Christmas eve - Elves with sledgehammers and an armed Santa?”
And another added: “Couldn't they have gone down the chimney?”
Topics: Crime, World News, Christmas