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Boy who sneaked into shipping container and ended up in another country reunited with family

Boy who sneaked into shipping container and ended up in another country reunited with family

He had been stuck inside the container for six days without food or water

The boy whose game of hide and seek went very wrong has been reunited with his family after a lengthy ordeal.

Most of you will remember how exciting it was to play the game and find a superior hiding spot.

The lad in this case, identified as Fahim, certainly achieved that goal when he came across an empty shipping container.

But once inside, Fahim accidentally nodded off, leading to what became a six-day journey from Bangladesh to Malaysia.


The container left the country on 11 January and didn’t arrive in Malaysia until 17 January - all the while, Fahim was trapped inside with no food or water.

He wasn't discovered until a member of staff at the port heard knocking noises coming from one of the units.

Numerous government agencies including the Marine Police Force, the Malaysian Immigration Department and the Klang District Health Department were notified and came to check out the shipment.

Footage shows the moment the lad was set free, clearly confused and weak from having had no nourishment or exposure to light for an entire week.

Fahim spent a whopping six days trapped inside the container.
Jabatan Netizen Malaysia

Although authorities initially suspected Fahim was the victim of a human trafficking organisation, an investigation found no evidence of a crime.

Assistant Commissioner of Police Cha Hoong Fong said: "There was no foul play in the incident."

Well, other than the hide and seek game gone wrong.

After a visit to the hospital confirmed he was in a stable condition, Fahim has now been reunited with his family.

Malaysian Interior Minister Saifuddin Nasution shared a series of tweets updating people about the situation.

He wrote: "Remember the child from Bangladesh found in a container in Port Klang? His name is Md Ratul Islam Fahim, I just call him Fahim.

"For six days Fahim was trapped in a container that departed from the port in Bangladesh without eating and drinking. It was a miracle that Fahim could be saved."

After the boy received treatment at Tengku Ampuan Rahimah Hospital, Dr Artini from the Chow Kit Foundation contacted Nasution's office.

Artini's request was for him to be placed under the care and observation of the Care Center, managed by the foundation, a non-profit that caters to the needs of children and teenagers in and around the area.

The boy has thankfully been reunited with his family.
Ministry of Home Affairs Malaysia

The Ministry of Home Affairs gave permission, with the next step involving the ministry contacting the High Commissioner of Bangladesh in Malaysia to organise documentation for Fahim's repatriation process.

In his final tweet, Nasution celebrated the lad's safe return home, writing: "Alhamdulillah, today Fahim returned to his family.

"Thank you Department of Immigration Malaysia, TYT Md. Golam Sarwar (Bangladesh High Commissioner in Malaysia), Dr Hartini from the Chow Kit Foundation and everyone who helped launch this affair."

No doubt that'll be the last time Fahim plays hide and seek for a while.

Featured Image Credit: Reddit/Ministry of Home Affairs Malaysia

Topics: World News, Viral