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Smoker Fuming At Getting Fined £100 For Tossing Cigarette Out Of Her Car Window

Smoker Fuming At Getting Fined £100 For Tossing Cigarette Out Of Her Car Window

Caroline Dawson said the fine is 'hefty' and that the council should focus on more pressing issues

A woman has been left fuming after being slapped with a £100 fine for tossing her cigarette out of a car window, saying the council should be focusing on more pressing issues. 

Caroline Dawson was driving her parents’ car in Grimsby last month when she flicked the butt onto the street. 

Just a few days later, her mum and dad got a letter in the post from North East Lincolnshire Council notifying them about the offence. 

After the council officials asked who was driving the car, the fine was forwarded to Caroline.

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Speaking to GrimsbyLive, she said: “They don't smoke, and I don't usually smoke in their car, but I had the one. 

"I wound the window right down and I must've thrown the butt end out of the window and been caught on camera or by a surveillance person behind me.

"I do remember having a cigarette in the car but I was rushing around as I normally am. It's not something I'd usually do because in my partner's car, we use the ashtray. 

"I wouldn't usually do that in their car, so just in that second of me doing that, I was caught.

"My mum and dad were worried and they sent the form back to say it was me driving and not them, and now I'm just waiting to hear back. 

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"The actual form came from an enforcement place in Doncaster. It happened out of the blue days later. I did feel it's my bad luck because I just thought, one little butt end and a £100 fine."

Although Caroline accepts the consequence of her actions, she said the council should focus on more important issues in the area. 

“What angers me is that I live on the Nunsthorpe, my partner lives on the Nunsthorpe, and there's so many other issues there," she added. 

"It does seem rather petty to get such a hefty fine. Considering the state of a lot of streets and areas, not just the Nunsthorpe, the fly-tipping that goes on, I'm sure people do a hell of a lot worse and don't get caught, or it's not pursued. 

"I've always been a law-abiding citizen, I don't throw rubbish or anything like that.

"I suppose if I'd have been flagged down at the time and it was pointed out, and it was something like a £20 or £30 fine on the spot, it would be different. It just seems so hefty.

"I admit the offence was a spur of the moment thing, but I'm angry at all the other offences taking place – bigger offences – that go undetected. 

"While I agree with the deterrent, it's rather excessive when there are so many other issues that aren't being dealt with."

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A North East Lincolnshire Council spokesperson said that littering is ‘an antisocial and criminal act’ and that there are 979 litter bins located around the borough.

They added: "There is absolutely no excuse to drop litter, including cigarettes, anywhere in North East Lincolnshire and you should ensure your cigarette is fully extinguished before disposing of it.

"People who drop litter make the place look unsightly and it is left for others to clean up after them.

"Enforcement officers routinely patrol the borough and anyone caught littering faces a £150 fine."

Featured Image Credit: MEN Media

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