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Cheapest places to get a pint have been named

Cheapest places to get a pint have been named

The UK's cheapest pints are out there, so if you're a fan of boozing on a budget, you'll need to get travelling

The cheapest place to get a pint of beer in the UK has been revealed, so grab yourself a train ticket and get ready for an adventure around some of the roads less travelled in Britain.

It’s a fact of life these days that the humble pint now costs a lot more than it used to.

So does everything, in fact.

Travel, food, heating, they’re all on the up-and-up, showing no signs of stopping.

However, it wasn’t always like this.

Ask any Brit of a certain age and they’ll gaze glassy-eyed into the middle distance while recalling how you used to be able to pick up a pint for so much less than today.

The older they are, the cheaper the pint will have been.

Delicious pints don't have to cost an arm and a leg.
Horst Friedrichs/Alamy Stock Photo

Well, if you really want to get the cheapest pint these days, you’ve got to be ready for a bit of an excursion.

That mythical £3 pint is still out there, for those brave enough to go looking for it.

According to this survey, you just have to go to Derby.

That’s right, Derby offers a pint of ale on average for just £3, that’s a good few quid cheaper than you’ll get anything in the city centres of London, Birmingham, or Manchester these days.

A bit further afield, but still as cheap, you could go to Inverness.

It might represent a slightly more exotic and appealing adventure than Derby - not that we’re saying Derby isn’t great, like - but it’s going to take a good while longer to get there.

Unless you already live in the Scottish Highlands, that is.

The average for the whole of the UK - according to Finder, who have performed the research - is £4.15.

Pints beneath the national average can be found in other places such as Hull, Perth, Gloucester, and Peterborough, who all clock in beneath £3.50.

Outlining their research, Finder said: "It comes as no surprise that the UK’s most expensive city to grab a drink is still London [£5.99].

"The cheapest places to get a pint [out of the 45 largest cities analysed] is Derby.

“A beer here will cost you £3.00, which is £2.99 less than London and £1.12 less than the UK average of £4.15.

"Overall, the average cost of a pint in the UK has increased seven per cent from £3.89 in 2021, and has increased by 11 per cent from the UK average of £3.72 in 2019."

Derby or Inverness for your next night out?
PA Images/Alamy Stock Photo

As it happens, London is the 18th most expensive city on the entire planet for a pint.

For the cheapest pint the world over, you’ll need to plan way ahead, because you’ll need to get to Tashkent in Uzbekistan, where a jar will set you back just 67p, or the equivalent.

Meanwhile, it’s in places like Doha and Dubai that you’ll pay the most, with a pint over a tenner at £11.37 and £10.82 on average respectively.

Featured Image Credit: horst friedrichs / PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: Food And Drink, UK News, Money

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