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Shocking moment King’s Guard horse bites tourist so hard she collapses to ground
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Shocking moment King’s Guard horse bites tourist so hard she collapses to ground

Tourists are warned about the risk of being bitten by the horses

Footage has emerged of a tourist in London being bitten so hard by a horse from the King's Guard that she fell to the ground.

The King's Guards are a popular attraction for visitors to the UK's capital city, with many tourists queuing up to get their photo next to one of the soldiers dressed in traditional military garb.

Unfortunately, many of these tourists seem to forget that the horses are still live animals that can attack - despite signs clearly warning visitors about the risks of horses kicking or biting.

This warning is often ignored by daring visitors - with many having subsequently paid a painful price for their boldness.

A warning sign is displayed clearly for tourists to read. (YouTube/busk1976)
A warning sign is displayed clearly for tourists to read. (YouTube/busk1976)

Footage uploaded to the YouTube account Buska in The Park over the weekend recorded the exact moment a woman was badly bitten by the horse after getting too close.

In the clip, the horse on duty appears to getting increasingly agitated by the growing crowds, with one tourist seemingly unfazed by the animal's attempt to lunge forward and grab her arm.

However, the next woman to pose for a picture wasn't so lucky as she got close enough for the horse to clamp down on her arm and violently tug her as the on-duty guard tugged on the reins.

She is then seen wincing in visible pain as various other tourists went over the get their photo before collapsing to the ground moments later.

The woman stood too close to the horse and ended up being bitten. (YouTube/busk1976)
The woman stood too close to the horse and ended up being bitten. (YouTube/busk1976)
She later collapsed to the ground. (YouTube/busk1976)
She later collapsed to the ground. (YouTube/busk1976)

A follow-up video later uploaded by the same account detailed the aftermath of the incident, including the guard member asking the cameraman to call police over to the scene - while tourists were still attempting to crowd the clearly agitated horse.

Viewers were clearly unimpressed by the actions of the tourists, with many pointing out that it was 'foolish' of the woman to get so close.

"That poor horse couldn't have made itself any clearer-- nipping, ears pinned, exasperated at the foolishness," one viewer wrote.

"The horse was sending a clear message the two women before her were nearly bitten but she ignored it," a second person commented, while a third added: "Ignore the warning signs at your peril."

This isn't the first incident where a tourist has been bitten by a King's Guard horse either, with footage showing a women being bitten in a similar manner doing the rounds online earlier this year.

Tourist Kirsty Curtis previously shared a warning about getting to close to the horses online after her coat was nipped at by a horse a few years ago.

"My husband decided to take a picture of me in front of the horse, but suddenly it bit me. It was shocking and did cause pain, but it is our fault," she said.

“The soldier looked down at me and I could see by his face he thought "another one!'"

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/busk1976

Topics: UK News, Royal Family