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Nothing says British springtime like marble sized hail stones... Prepare to make a mental note to always remember your umbrella!

Ah, the joys of living in the UK. You thought the weather would've been over it by now with April showers having passed, but oh no, Mother Nature is only just getting started.

We may have had a glimpse of summer and a few days of warmth and sun, but the forecast was simply teasing us.

It certainly doesn't do things by halves either because not only have hail stones been battering the UK, but they're being called the 'largest ever seen'.

Basingstoke seemed particularly badly hit.
Twitter/ @abadgerbear

You may have thought the countdown to summer was well and truly on, alas a yellow weather warning was issued by the Met Office yesterday (Tuesday, 9 May).

Parts of the Midlands, East Anglia and southern England were hit by a smattering of hailstorms, heavy rain and thunder - plunging us back into dreary, damp and dark conditions, almost as if the clocks never went forward.

The Met Office took to Twitter yesterday, writing: "Heavy showers and thunderstorms are continuing, particularly in the south.

"A yellow warning is still in force until 10pm this evening and you can find updates on our app."

It was the 'biggest hail' some UK residents had ever seen.
Twitter/ @RJRobertson1980

People are flocking to social media in concern over the sudden change in weather.

One Twitter user said: "Anyone else getting literally marble sized hail across the UK at the moment?"

"Here in UK we seem to be having a spot of hail! never seen anything like it," another added.

"Biggest #hail I’ve seen in the UK just passed through #Basingstoke," a third wrote.

However, rather than viewing the hail stones in fear, one UK resident decided to make the most of the extra-large balls of ice.

In a recording of the harsh weather conditions, the Twitter user notes one hit her on the finger and 'really hurts', but resolves positively she thinks could definitely use one of the hail stones to chill a gin and tonic.

And if that's not the most British response you've ever heard, I don't know what is.

Like Sam said, perfect for a G&T.
Twitter/ @abadgerbear

Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service even had reports of people becoming stuck in flood water.

It posted advice on Twitter: "Never drive through flood water. Don't make unnecessary trips. Vehicles can become stuck and even swept away in just 30cm of flowing water."

Thankfully, today (Wednesday, 10 May) seems like a calmer start to the day.

The Met Office states: "A dry start to Wednesday for many of us though showery in the west with further showers bubbling up through the morning elsewhere.

"[...] Overnight rain cleared to leave a day of sunshine and heavy thundery showers on Tuesday."

Featured Image Credit: Twitter/@FieryKatz27/@abadgerbear

Topics: Weather, UK News, Twitter, Social Media