A Ukrainian refugee asked whether weed is legal in the UK during a live news report. Watch here:
Sky News was reporting from near the capital of Kyiv as citizens boarded buses and prepared to flee the country.
The reporter said the passengers were 'very stressed' before asking one man if he was OK, to which he replied: "I'm OK."
After establishing that the reporter was British, the refugee made his priorities clear.
He asked: "Is cannabis legalised in Great Britain?"
Naturally, given the circumstances, it took the reporter a moment or two to get her head around what he'd just said.
Once the penny dropped, she laughed and said: "I'm glad that's all you're thinking about."
While the moment of levity brought a much needed bit of light relief for viewers, the situation remains incredibly bleak.
Towns are being forced to bury civilians killed amid Russia's invasion, and more than 2.8 million people have now fled the country, according to the United Nations (UN).

Brits are now being offered £350 a month to house Ukrainian refugees.
The Home Office initially only granted visas to refugees with family in the UK, and even then the process was described as slow and restrictive.
In response, from next week, the British public will be able to apply to a wider sponsorship scheme to house refugees with no family ties to the UK.
The 'Homes for Ukraine' scheme will ask households to put refugees up for at least six months in return for the tax-free fee.
Ukrainians arriving in the UK under this scheme – after undergoing vetting and security checks – will be granted three years' leave to remain, with entitlement to work, and access to benefits and public services.
The website to register has now launched, with more than 1,500 signing up within an hour.
Housing and Communities Secretary Michael Gove said: "The courage shown by the Ukrainian people in the face of devastation caused by the invasion of their great country is nothing short of remarkable.
"The United Kingdom has a long and proud history of helping others in their hour of need and our new Homes for Ukraine scheme offers a lifeline to those who have been forced to flee.
"I'm asking people across our country who can provide a home for Ukrainians to consider being sponsors."
If you would like to donate to the Red Cross Emergency Appeal, which will help provide food, medicines and basic medical supplies, shelter and water to those in Ukraine, click here for more information.