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Snake Shedding Its Skin Is So Mesmerising And Weirdly Satisfying

Snake Shedding Its Skin Is So Mesmerising And Weirdly Satisfying

You could watch this on a loop

Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

To many people, snakes are nothing more than slithering wild beasts that should stick to jungles and swamps. But to others, they're pets.

Ok, no one's daft enough to keep a highly poisonous python in their home, but species like the corn and milk snake are indeed kept as household pets, and could even be seen as quite cute. They're as slippery and slimy as more vicious snakes, but for some reason seem a lot more majestic... well, they do to me.

And while we're on the subject of snakes being brilliant, here's what happened when one woman filmed the moment her corn snake shed it's skin - it's so satisfying.

The beginning... Credit: Supplied

Ann Kathleen Harrison captured the rare sighting as her corn snake, called - wait for it - Mr Snake (her four-year-old named it).

"At the minute he sheds around once every 4 weeks. Every time he sheds, he's getting bigger. As they grow and get older, they tend to shed less frequently," she said.

"I've only ever caught a glimpse before whilst he's in his vivarium and I know lots of snake owners miss the actual shedding. I just had him out for his regular weigh-in and sat with him for a bit and he started rubbing against my hand. Must be such a relief for them once it's all come off!"

Much like the rest of us at the end of a hard day (getting home and slipping out of your day clothes, into a pair of joggers and a t-shirt that has a stain either from bolognese or curry - hey, it's hard to tell), he eventually shrugs the entire skin off.

The end... Credit: Supplied

The end result does look a bit like a weird, disused condom, which isn't exactly appealing, but watching Mr Snake going through the process is utterly mesmerising. You want to watch until he completes it, even if only to get a sense of closure.

Corn snakes are a species of rat snake, sometimes called 'The Bol Bol Eater', and are typically found in North America. They usually have a reluctance to bite, capturing their prey by wrapping their bodies around them.

They do, however, have a broad resemblance to the copperhead, a venomous species, which sometimes leads to corn snakes being killed.

The shedding of their skin is called ecdysis, or moulting, and on the contrary to most other animals, it comes off in one long motion, rather than in clumps.

Featured Image Credit: Supplied

Topics: Snake, Skin, Interesting