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Admit it, egg mayo sandwiches are nice.

Yes, they smell, and the concept might give some people the ick, but the fact of the matter is, they taste good.

The only problem is, some people are probably only comfortable eating the controversial sandwich in the comfort of their own home - so we need to know how to make the perfect egg ourselves.

The perfect egg has to have a runny yolk, right?

Luckily, Gordon Ramsay has got our backs. Whether you can actually be bothered to his technique is an another question entirely, though.

Ramsay shared his method while preparing a bowl of ramen, meaning he was looking for some soft-boiled eggs with the shell taken off - just like you'd need for an egg mayo.

In a video shared on TikTok, the chef walked viewers through his process which begins with putting your egg on a spoon.

Don't worry, you're not about to take part in a sports day.

Next, you have to drop the egg into boiling water - but don't get too carried away.

Gordon Ramsay recommends cooking eggs for 6 minutes.

Ramsay explained: "Bring that [the water] to the boil, but don't water them ferociously, or you'll get a black line around the outside, boil them gently."

The chef recommended boiling the eggs for exactly six minutes, before taking them out of the hot water and dunking them straight into cold water.

He didn't go straight into peeling from there, though. Far from it.

Instead, the chef demonstrated how he cracks the base of the egg before blowing into it and returning it to the cold water. Then, when it came time to peel, he blew into the base off the egg again before easily pulling away the shell.

"That, from there, literally should come off super quick," he said.

Gordon's trick allowed him to easily peel eggs.

After dunking the egg in water one final time to get rid of any excess shell, Ramsay cut the egg in half to reveal a perfectly cooked egg, complete with a soft yolk.

He deemed the result the 'perfect yolky egg', saying it would make the perfect partner to ramen - though of course, his tips will come in handy however you like your eggs in the morning. As long as it's not fried, poached or scrambled.

The chef's video sparked mixed responses from viewers, with some arguing that the yolk still wasn't runny enough while another argued: "It’s raw."

I guess there's no pleasing everyone when it comes to egg yolks, but at least we know this method has a chef's approval!

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@gordonramsayofficial

Topics: Gordon Ramsay, Food And Drink, TikTok