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I know, I know, 'money doesn't buy happiness'. But let's be honest, if you have the chance to make millions, you might as well give it a shot.

Ramit Sethi, a 41-year-old writer, is all for this idea - he's even written a New York Times Best Seller about it, called I Will Teach You to Be Rich.

Ramit Sethi has written a book on how to get rich.

More recently, Sethi has starred in the Netflix documentary How to Get Rich, and as a self-made millionaire himself, he knows what he's talking about.

So, how can we be more like Sethi? Well, the writer has shared some advice with CNBC, explaining that the younger you start thinking about making money, the better.

Admittedly we do have a lot of other things to pay for in our 20s, like rent, food and efforts to have a social life, but we do also have a lot of years stretching out ahead of us.

With that in mind, if you have even a little a money to spare, Sethi says it's worth investing.

The earlier you invest, the better.

He explained: "My best advice for people in their 20s when it comes to money is to set up an automatic investment."

A small recurring contribution to an investment can help set you up with money in the future, Sethi said, as generally speaking, the more time your money is invested, the better.

Interest will help your money accumulate over time - and though recessions might temporarily impact your investments, investing early gives you more time to recover any losses.

“If you are in your 20s, you have an amazing opportunity, even if your earnings are not that high, to set up your habits right,” Sethi said. “As your earnings increase in your 30s and 40s, you can just turn that number up.”

Ramit Sethi urges people to invest.

That being said, Sethi did encourage people in their 20s to make the most of the decade.

"Enjoy this season of life," he said. “Don’t try to be 40 before you’re 40. Your 20s are about getting to know yourself, going out with friends, taking cheap trips — I think you should do that.

"There are certain things you can do in your 20s that you will never be able to do again, and I encourage you to embrace that.”

He added: “One of my regrets looking back is that I didn’t have more fun."

With his experience behind him, Sethi's new Netflix series sees him help others with their money, including a woman who spends half a million dollars a year on shopping, and a man with a bank account for his dog.

Now that we know Sethi's top tip, I guess I'll see you in the millionaire's club!

Featured Image Credit: Netflix

Topics: Money, Netflix, Jobs