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This Is Where All Of Your Missing Socks Go

This Is Where All Of Your Missing Socks Go

Finally, answers.

Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

There are many mysteries that present themselves to us on a daily basis. Some are less important than others, but I reckon we'll all agree on the fact that "where the fuck have all my socks gone?" is up there with the most important.

Somewhere along the way you end up with an odd number of socks and they're often mismatched. But how is it possible for a sock to just simply disappear off the face of the earth? We have answers for you.

According to this video, the pesky little bastards are swanning around in the depths of your washing machine. They somehow worm their way underneath the plastic covering around the door and slip through gaps - never to be seen again.

Missing socksWhere do missing socks go?
Posted by Stoners, Jocks and Nerds on Saturday, 20 February 2016

Unfortunately, unless you're confident you can take apart your washing machine, retrieve your socks and then put the machine back together again, it's probably best you wave them goodbye.

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