Creepy requests made by serial killer, John Wayne Gacy, have been revealed in a letter he sent while awaiting execution on death row.
Gacy was sentenced to death in 1980, after being convicted of murdering 33 boys and men, many of which he then hid in the crawl space under his home in Chicago.

News of Gacy's crimes stunned the local community, who had known Gacy for his work entertaining members of the public by dressing as a clown, and performing at charitable events and children's parties.
Gacy was ultimately killed by lethal injection in 1994, but before his death he caught the attention of criminal profiler, John Kelly, who has interviewed a number of serial killers.
Speaking to Fox News Digital, Kelly classified Gacy as a 'sexual serial killer', and noted that he grew up with an abusive and alcoholic father.
Kelly wanted to interview the killer, but when Gacy became aware he responded to Kelly with a pamphlet which argued his innocence, as well as a questionnaire full of personal questions which he demanded Kelly fill out.
The questionnaire asked Kelly his date of birth, marital status and political orientation, as well as his New Year's resolution and his 'current hero'.
Other questions encouraged a longer response, asking: "If I were an animal I'd be;" "Friends like me because;" and "What I think of this country."
Gacy also asked about 'thoughts on sex' and what the respondent was 'thinking now'.
Gacy's requests didn't stop there, though, as he also wanted Kelly to send a photo of himself.
Writing in April 1993, Gacy said: "I received your letter and with regards to your request for interview I will have to deny it.
"However if you want to submit some questions in writing, then I would be willing to answer them so long as they don't deal with my case.
"In doing so whenever I talk with anyone I like to know who that is and some common facts about them enclosed is a bio sheet which you can fill out and return with a photo."

"My policy is simple no photo, no answer with bio sheet in full," he said in the letter. "Thank you for your time."
Gacy went on to insist he was 'nobody important', but 'just a man caught up in the justice system'.
Kelly considered the requests from Gacy to be an attempt for him to try and gain leverage over the profiler, so he decided not to give in.
"He was trying to find ways to manipulate me," Kelly said. "Based on what he wanted to see, and based on the propaganda he wanted me to peddle for him."
Kelly has shown the letter to friends over the years but didn't make it public until this week, nearly three decades after Gacy's death.