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A man with no limbs once dressed as a pilot to welcome on-board a group of 'freaked out' passengers.

Australian-American Nick Vujicic - who was born without arms or legs - happens to be a New York Times best-selling author, as well as a successful entrepreneur.

Although in his earlier life, Nick was bullied at school and suffered unimaginable challenges by being unable to do things that we take for granted.

However, the 40-year-old's positivity and great sense of humour is what makes him so good to listen to.

His attitude towards life was highlighted when he did an on-stage talk to prisoners from Telford State Prison.

A man with no limbs once dressed as a pilot to welcome on-board a group of 'freaked out' passengers.

Nick recalled the time when he and his airline pilot friend came up with a 'crazy idea'.

"One of my friends actually is a commercial airline pilot and one day he looked at me, one day, and he said, 'Nick, you know we should pull off a prank'," he told the inmates.

"I said, 'what's that'. He said, 'we should dress you up as the pilot and greet the passengers as they get on the plane'.

"And so no joke it was DFW airport going to LAX six o'clock in the morning, everyone's half asleep, no one's speaking to anybody.

Nick Vujicic was born without arms or legs.

"And they're, you know, so you know, tired and they're walking down the jet way and I got my hat on and i got my jacket on and stuff.

"Seriously like a pilot, and then they see me standing at the door."

Nick says that passengers suddenly 'woke up right there and then'.

"I'm like, 'Good morning my name is captain Nick Vujicic welcome aboard' and they're like, 'No way', I said, 'I'm captain Nick Vujicic, I'm gonna be flying the plane, you're so lucky to be on our flight cause we're trying some new technology'," Nick added.

His attitude towards life was highlighted when he did an on-stage talk to prisoners from Telford State Prison.

"They started freaking out man, the adults like 'did you know about this', 'no I didn't know about this'.

"All the children like, 'oh this is so cool right'.

"But everyone's freaking out, everyone's on the plane and my friend he says 'okay come on board', so I walk on the plane just like this, right, and you look down the aisle and all the heads are like (peeping out).

"And I got the microphone and I said, 'Good morning ladies and gentlemen thank you so much reporting so fast' and they're like, 'Oh my gosh', some people came to Jesus right there and then it was good'."

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@limbless.preacher

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