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Students take Christmas dinner and dining table on London Underground

Students take Christmas dinner and dining table on London Underground

They said it was the best Christmas dinner they'd had

A group of students decided to go to extra lengths to celebrate Christmas by taking their own dinner and dining table on the London tube.

Max Bosman, 24 and his friends Ioana Gavrilescu, Matija Conic, Isebelle Nelissen and Louise Thomassin created the stunt earlier this month, taking a 'buffet-style Christmas dinner' and dining table onto the train to make a 'moveable feast'.

The students boarded the tube at Earl's Court on the Piccadilly Line and dined on charcuterie, bruschetta, cheese, houmous and sausage rolls - complete with some homemade mulled wine.

In the video, Max and his friends can even be seen being joined by other tube passengers as they embraced the festive cheer.

Max, who studies physics, said: "It's the best Christmas dinner I've ever had.

"On the tube we had so many positive reactions. Obviously we chose a very quiet time so it took a while for people to get on the tube.

"At some point, people were making conversations then others would join us at the table.

"It was a very wholesome experience and great fun."

A group of students celebrated Christmas by taking their own dinner and dining table on the London tube.
Kennedy News and Media

Max said he and his friends decided to create the unusual dining experience because they love doing things they've never done before.

"It's something we'll never forget. We did it because we love making memorable experiences for ourselves and doing stuff we haven't done before," he said.

"One of us made homemade mulled wine. We took our own table. It collapsed and it came in a suitcase so it was quite easy to carry around.

"The other two got the food and we had a buffet-style Christmas dinner.

"One of us works at a local food market so we had some nice quality leftovers so we made bruschetta, we had some charcuterie, some cheese, sausage rolls, mulled wine, bread, houmous.

"We couldn't find any tablecloths so we just used Christmas wrapping paper which is more fun."

Max said he and his friends decided to create the unusual dining experience because they love doing things they've never done before.
Kennedy News and Media

The group of friends stayed on to the end of the line at Cockfosters and enjoyed a pint in the pub before returning for their meal.

"It was a really good experience. There's always people having fun on the tube," Max adds.

"If you go at the right time, there's always a party on the tube.

"We saw someone do something similar on TikTok but we knew we could do it much, much better than they could.

"We got on at Earl's Court, got the tube to Cockfosters and had a quick pint then took the tube back home while having our dinner on the way back.

"It was an hour there and an hour back."

Featured Image Credit: Kennedy News and Media

Topics: Food And Drink, Christmas