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Rare Condition Means That This Mum's Skull Is Crushing Her Spine And Brain

Rare Condition Means That This Mum's Skull Is Crushing Her Spine And Brain

This is devastating.

Stewart Perrie

Stewart Perrie

Samantha Smith's skull has turned into a ticking time bomb after her body developed a life-threatening condition.

The single mum was diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS) which weakens the body's connective tissue. Not only that, but Samantha also developed a condition called Crainocervical Instability (CCI) which means the ligaments in her neck are now unable to support the weight of her skull.

The CCI is causing her skull to slowly crush her brain stem into her spine.

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samantha smith 2

Credit: Caters

Samantha said: "My spine is compressing my spinal cord. My cervical discs are damaged and prolapsing. I feel the relentless agony of it every minute of the day in addition to the nerve damage.

"On a bad day the pressure inside my head is so bad I can't talk or move my eyes. On a good day it's just very painful."

Samantha had no idea she was suffering from EDS until last year when she was officially diagnosed. Before that, the 30-year-old from Rochdale, Greater Manchester, endured horrific pain, would vomit blood, pass out and had weakness in her limbs.

If it's left untreated, her EDS will cause her organs to fail, paralysis, tremors as well as vision and hearing loss.

Unfortunately, there's no treatment for EDS or CCI in the UK and the former psychotherapist has started a fundraising campaign to send her to the USA where she can undergo life-saving surgery.

"I must now fundraise for my own life... and for my babies to have the mummy they so desperately need and deserve.

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samantha smith 3

Credit: Caters

"The harsh reality is that if I don't raise the funds for this surgery abroad then it will cause organ failure, paralysis and then it will take my life. The specialists can't tell me how long this will take, only that time is of the essence and the longer we wait, the more damage will be done."

She needs to raise £150,000 in four months in order to undergo the treatment, which has a 95 percent success rate.

"The alternative is not an option I am willing to consider; My beautiful babies deserve their healthy, happy momma back, and I have way too much to live for to let this condition win."

Samantha has so far raised nearly £6,000, with many donors posting on her page messages of support.

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sam smith 4

Credit: Samantha Smith

On the donation page, Susan Nugent said: "I do not know you personally... Sure you will get there and hope all goes well and you are soon enjoying good health with your family."

While Philomena Robinson writes: "I pray you reach your target very soon and live a long & healthy life with your beautiful family!"

Hopefully Samantha gets the same support Jessica Kill did, a mother of two who had the exact same condition.

Jess was told she had only a few months to live before her skull crushed her spine. The Walsall mum started a similar fundraising campaign and managed to raise £180,000 in time and flew to the USA for treatment.

jess kill
jess kill

Credit: Jessica Kill

Her surgery took more than 10 hours but it was a big success. The most recent update on her fundraising page says: "Jessica will now have many weeks of rest together with specialist physiotherapy before she is finally able to completely get back to where she wants to be.

"The main thing is she does now have future to look forward to and that is down to all you wonderfully kind people out there. I know she will want to up-date you personally once she is back home, in the meantime thank you all once again for your support."

If you want to support Samantha you can go here to donate.

Featured Image Credit: Samantha Smith