Anyone who's ever had to put down a pet will know just how heart-wrenching it is, so one vet decided to try and make things a little bit easier by sending a letter to a grieving family.
Before you go any further, I'd highly recommend taking a moment to grab a box of tissues.
The family took to Reddit to share the amazing letter they'd received from their vet, explaining how it arrived after they said goodbye to their 18-year-old dog, Sunny.
It claimed to have been written by someone called 'Helper', and told the story of how they were an angel tasked with writing to people to let them know their pets had arrived in heaven.

"There are a lot of angels in Heaven and we all have different jobs," the letter read. "One of the head angels told me that you were worried about Sunny and asked me to write you about him."
The letter went on to assure the family Sunny had recently arrived at the pearly gates, and that he was 'doing just swell'.
"I know that he was ill when he was with you. He had gotten very old and when you get old, your body is not as strong as it used to be," it continued.
"Sunny was tired and I think maybe he knew that it was time to come here. And it is a good thing he did because now he is not old anymore and he isn't sick either."

Sunny was described as having the time of his life in doggy heaven, with the letter saying he was 'running and jumping' and generally having a 'great time' as he got to know some knew furry friends.
Things only get more emotional from there, as the letter assured the family the dog missed them and 'hopes that you understand he had to come here'.
"I am sure that one day Sunny will be there to greet you when you come here and you will have a grand reunion," it said.
"Until then, we will keep him busy and happy. Here we don't have time like you do. It never gets dark. It is just one long day.
"And everyone here is your friend, so don't worry. Sunny is not ever going to be lonely. Someday when he sees you again, it will be like you were never apart."

*weeps uncontrollably*
The letter signed off by saying that Sunny sent his love, and as they shared it on Reddit Sunny's owner admitted they had 'no words'.
Other Reddit users admitted they were also 'broken' by the letter, and many praised the vet for their dedication.
After one vet responded to the post to say putting down a pet was the hardest part of their job, another person responded: "I hope you know how important your job is."